
Bioethics awards and grants

The jury of the Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation Bioethics Prizes and Grants has announced the winners of this year's awards.


Júlia Martin of the University of Barcelona for: "Horizons Project. Methodological proposal for gamification of hospital pedagogy, based on narrative bioethics and model of humanizing care for hospitalized minors."


To the team led by Beatriz Campillo of Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau for: "Constructing and determining psychometric properties of a questionnaire to evaluate perception of respect and maintenance of dignity in hospitalized patients."


Hugo Viciana of Instituto de Estudios Sociales Avanzados (IESA-CSIC) for: "Modes of disagreement in Bioethics: the public and the experts."


Sabel Gabaldón of the University of Barcelona for: "Transsexuality in children and adolescents. Ethical aspects of classification and treatment."


Ion Arrieta of University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea for: "Psoriasis and executive autonomy: a proposal for improved patient compliance with psoriasis treatment."

To the team led by Christian Villavicencio of Caredoctors for: "Planning Advance Decisions (PAD) and communication in patients with chronic, complex illness and chronic, advanced illness."




First prize to "Ethical dilemmas of a long life" by Joana Krausse, student at Instituto Premià de Mar.


Second prize to "Bioethics and care homes for the elderly" by Sara Clota, student at Instituto Canigó de Almacelles.


Third prize for "Born out of necessity: bioethics of the medicine baby" by Wiam Koubissdel, student at Instituto Vinyes Velles de Montornès del Vallès.


Prize for the documentary "Només era un gos" (Just a dog) by Irene Domènech and Haydée Vila, produced by Mc Guffin Estudio Audiovisual.



