
null 10. Corresponsabilidad empresarial en el desarrollo sostenible (Corporate responsibility in sustainable development)

10. Corresponsabilidad empresarial en el desarrollo sostenible (Corporate responsibility in sustainable development)

The need for sustainable development is widely recognized by society, many governments, local administrations, social agencies and by a large part of the business sector. It is well known that the current economic growth cannot be sustained in perpetuity. Society must ensure that growth can be maintained for future generations without being limited by the current way of doing things.

A cultural change is necessary so that the citizenry assumes responsibility and actively participates in this new "way of life". Many different parties would be implicated in such a change: the business sector, government, NGO's, business schools and universities, unions and the press. This essay takes all these points of view into consideration. The monograph includes all of these points of view, in addition to which it contains an appendix of case studies 



