Research grants


null Puesta en marcha de un proceso de planificación de decisiones anticipadas en pacientes con trastorno mental severo en un centro de salud mental (Implementing a process for planning advance directives in patients with severe mental disorder at a mental health centre) - CANCELED PROJECT-
Team led by Albert Granero

Alberto Granero, University of Barcelona

This project seeks to evaluate the process of evaluating the planning of advance directives in patients with severe mental disorders, by monitoring various structural, process and results indicators over a 2-year period. It aims to define the communication and relational process involved in planning an advance directive, and to promote the use of such tools.


Research team: Albert Granero, Miríam Santamaría, Pablo Hernando, Siddarta Acebillo, Igor Merodio, Montserrat Carmona y Alejandra Rubio





