Award Ceremony 2024
November 12
On November 12 we will celebrate the presentation of bioethics awards and scholarships. The event will feature the participation of Espartac Peran, journalist and writer, who will give the conference "Let's talk about death, this is how we will be alive".
Talking about death and the last stage of life is often a taboo subject, despite the fact that death is just another episode in life, which can come at any time. Espartac Peran, author of "Tres desitjos abans de morir" and "El secret de la calaixera", will bring us closer to this subject with a fresh and sincere look. Destigmatizing the fear of talking about it and providing a personal vision to death, mourning and life.
Casa Convalescència
Aula Magna
At 6:30 p.m.
Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 171, 08041 Barcelona
Registration here