presentacio congres 2025
On behalf of the Fundació Grífols UVic-UCC Chair of Bioethics, we are pleased to invite you to the 3rd International Bioethics Congress, to be held in Vic (Barcelona), on 27 and 28 February, 2025. Building upon the success of the editions held in 2019 and 2022, this year we have chosen the theme “Bioethics and Citizenship”. Our aim is to foster a collective reflection on the importance of bioethics beyond the academic sphere. We believe that this conversation should involve all citizens, encouraging participation and co-creation from those whose lives, health, and daily experiences are directly affected by bioethical concerns.
The congress offers an opportunity for researchers and practitioners to share their insights under any of the following four main themes:
- Ethics committees, citizenship and deliberation: Ethics committees serve as forums for thoughtful analysis, debate, and reflection on controversial issues within both healthcare and social services sectors. Their primary role is to make decisions on matters that directly impact individuals. The methodology and multidisciplinary approach employed by Ethics Committees (ECs) are essential to fulfilling their role. However, incorporating the voices of those affected and making these committees more accessible to the public remains a challenge.
- Humanisation of healthcare: The term “humanisation of healthcare” is one that invites deeper reflection. Health and the concern for health-related issues should inherently entail personalised and appropriate treatment that honours the dignity, rights, values and preferences of individuals. However, we remain far from this ideal, particularly in the context of today's technology-driven medicine. The introduction of elements such as artificial intelligence can further alienate individuals from healthcare professionals and the system as a whole.
- Autonomy and vulnerable populations: When we discuss personal autonomy, we approach it from a broad perspective; however, we often overlook or fail to adequately highlight the needs of individuals in more vulnerable situations. For years, efforts have been underway to establish a new ethical and regulatory paradigm. This framework aims to ensure that individuals facing significant challenges in making their own decisions are actively involved in these processes and empowered to self-manage their lives. Bioethics should serve as a catalyst for change in this sense, ensuring the highest level of respect and protection for those most disadvantaged by their physical or mental conditions.
- Citizen participation and the public voices: Our society is shaped by the influence of media, social networks, and various digital health platforms and tools that affect people’s daily lives. It is both urgent and essential for citizens to take an active and visible role as a “public voice” in these influential areas, particularly in the dissemination of health news and the management of personal health information and data, which is often unknowingly disclosed to third parties. Greater transparency and participation are required, ensuring the needs and experiences of citizens are heard.
Featuring a combination of both keynote lectures and round table discussions, the format of the Congress is designed to foster open debate between experts and attendees. It is our hope that the programme will be appealing and inspire active participation, either through contributions or attendance.
Núria Terribas, director