
null 10. Ética del cuidado. Innovación inclusiva y calidad asistencial (The ethics of care. Inclusive innovation and care quality)

Ética del cuidado. Innovación inclusiva y calidad asistencial (The ethics of care. Inclusive innovation and care quality)

Helen Kohlen considers the ethics of care from a perspective that incorporates care quality and the well-being of those who receive care in our health and social institutions.

In this publication, Kohlen, who holds the Chair of Ethics and Politics of Nursing Care at Vallendar University of Philosophy and Theology in Germany, argues for incorporating the ethics of care in bioethics committees and moving towards a model of democratic care. The publication also includes draws on the experiences of health professionals who apply the ethics of care in their clinical, teaching, research and management projects.


This book presents the findings of the fourth edition of the Seminar on Ethics and the Values of Care, organized by the Official College of Nurses of Barcelona, in partnership with the Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation.



