Financial Evaluation

On 16 February 2024, the Board of Trustees of the Foundation approved the financial statements and profit and loss account for the year ending 31 December 2023, and the inventory of assets held on that date, in compliance with the requirements applicable to foundations in Catalonia. These documents show a surplus of 3.939 euros at the close of the financial year.

The Foundation had total income of 485.664 euros in 2023. It should be noted that the Foundation does not receive any public funding or trust income. In 2023, 98% of its income came from Grifols, S.A., with the remaining 2% generated by training activities. Since 2016, the Foundation has offered bioethics training courses to health centres, for which it charges a fee.


With respect to the budget plan for 2023, the Foundation ended the year with savings of 11.775 euros.


The Foundation's four activity areas included the following initiatives:

  • Research: bioethics grants and prizes
  • Discussion: lectures, workshops and seminars
  • Education and learning: courses for health and education professionals, and for high school students
  • Publications: to share the Foundation's work with a wider public, and partnership with publishing houses


The annual accounts for 2023 were not subject to external audit, as none of the circumstances described in the current legislation (Article 333-11.1 of the Civil Code of Catalonia), which would require auditing of the accounts applied.



