
Annual Report 2012

The Foundation has published its Annual Report, a document which summarizes its efforts to promote bioethics during the past year.

The report includes activities, awards and publications for 2012, together with key organizational information.

Annual Report

Carol Gilligan, at the 6th Josep Egozcue lectures

She will focus the conference on the ethics of care. Barcelona, April 17 and 18.

The sixth edition of the Josep Egozcue lectures will be held on April 17 and 18.  On this occasion the guest speaker is Carol Gilligan, psychologist, philosopher and feminist. She is professor of Humanities and Applied Psychology at the University of New York. 

She is the author of various publications and articles, and her best know book is titled In a different voice: Psychological theory and women's development, where she defends the existence of different morals and psychologies between men and women.

Registration for the lecture on April 17 is now closed, since the maximum room capacity has been reached.
Registration for the conference of Carol Gilligan on April 18 remains open.

Conferences are free-of-charge. Prior registration to attend is required:
• You must be registered on the Foundation website.
• Once you have registered, go to the calendar, to the day of the conference you wish to attend.
• Register for the event. A confirmation message will appear on the screen.
• If you wish to attend both conferences, you must register for each one, separately.

Barcelona, April 17 and 18.
Espai Francesca Bonnemaison
Sant Pere més Baix, 7
08003 Barcelona
Saló de l'Ensenyament

From March 12 to 16 the Foundation takes part in the Barcelona Education Fair to promote the research prizes for high school students.

In the Science Space pupils will be able to find information on Secondary School Prizeawarded by the foundation.  In the same area the public will be able to visit booths of universities, research centers and other Catalan institutions related to scientific fields. 



Saló de l'Ensenyament

From 12 – 16 March

Espai Ciència.

Palau 2

Nivell 0

Fira de Barcelona

New calendar of activities

The Board of Trustees of the Foundation has approved the calendar of activities for 2013

Activities have been organized to address issues as diverse as the ethics of care, the healthcare reform or ethics and public health. On the website agenda you will find a calendar of all the programmed activities.

Bioethics prizes for senior high school students included in awards

The new rules for grants and prizes in bioethics 2012 – 2013 have now been released, together with details of the new prizes for research by senior high school students.

This year, the Foundation has decided to continue promoting research in bioethics by involving the professionals of the future. In addition to the two prizes and four research grants, in the future the Foundation will also be awarding three prizes for research in bioethics conducted by senior high school students.

It is hoped that these prizes will promote the inclusion of the ethical dimension in research in professional education from the outset. Prizes will be awarded to the three best research projects in bioethics completed during the academic year 2012-2013 in public and private secondary schools in Catalonia. 

The prizes are as follows: 


First Prize: University fees for the first two years of university study.

Second Prize: iPad

Third Prize: Netbook




Last grants available for the Course "Ethical Dilemmas in Dementia"

December 3 and 4, at the "Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona".

On December 3 and 4, the Consorcio Universidad Internacional Menéndez y Pelayo in Barcelona – Ernest Lluch Center (CUIMPB) and the Victor Grífols i Lucas Foundation will be holding the course "Ethical Dilemmas in Dementia". The course aims to provide answers to the questions that arise, for patients and caregivers, when dementia appears as a consequence of aging.



Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona
C/ Montalegre, 5 Barce



The Awards and Grants Ceremony 2011-12 on YouTube

Excerpts from Maria Blasco's lecture are included in the videos

The Foundation has posted two videos on YouTube of the bioethics awards and grants ceremony for 2011-2012. These videos show fragments of the conference, "Telomeres as Key Modulators of Aging and Longevity" presented by María Blasco, doctor of Philosophy in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the Spanish National Cancer Research Center (CNIO); and other highlights from the awards ceremony.
Besides the audio of the full conference is available at the following link.

Video Awards Ceremony
Video María Blasco Lecture
Audio of the full conference (Languege: Spanish. File size: 8.29 M



The Foundation's Awards and Scholarships Ceremony 2011-2012

María Blasco, CNIO Director, offered the conference "Telomeres as Key Modulators of Aging and. Longevity".

Last October 29, the bioethics awards and scholarships ceremony 2011-12 took place in the auditorium of the Pompeu Fabra University, in Balmes, 132 Barcelona.

María Blasco, doctor of Philosophy in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the Spanish National Cancer Research Center (CNIO), took part in the event with a conference titled: "Telomeres as Key Modulators of Aging and Longevity".
Dr Blasco is an international expert in research on telomeres (the ends of the chromosomes) and the enzyme telomerase, which allows them to grow. She has been awarded many distinctions, the most significant of which is the EMBO Gold Medal (European Molecular Biology Organization) in the year 2004, since she was the first Spanish scientist to achieve this.



2011-2012 Prizes and Scholarships for research in bioethics

Esther Farnós, prize for research for the project: Consent to assisted reproduction. Parental crisis and disposal of embryos.

Prize for Research:

Esther Farnós Amorós, professor of Civilian Law at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, for the project: Consent to assisted reproduction. Parental crisis and disposal of embryos.

Prize Journalistic work on bioethics:
This prize is awarded to journalist Mònica López Ferrado, for her article: Truth brings relief in the face of death published in the daily newspaper Ara on February 10, 2011.

Research scholarships are awarded to:
Rosa María Medina and Sandra Fernández of the Faculty of Medicine at the Universidad de Granada for the project: The medical staff-family-patient triad in conditions of intersexuality. The situation in Spain.
Michelle Piperberg of the Faculty of Philosophy at the Universitat de Barcelona for the project: About the "person". An approach to the discussions about the end of life.
The team led by Germán Diestre of the Albada health center for the project: Implementation of Advance Care Planning at the Albada health center. A qualitative study.
Iván Ortega and David Rodríguez Arias of the Institute of Philosophy del Higher Council for Scientific Investigation (CSIC) for the project: Organ Donation in Spanish Emergency Ambulance Services (ODISEAS).

The prizes will be awarded on October 29, in Barcelona with the participation of María Blasco, director of the National Center for Cancer Research (CNIO).



The panel of jurors announces its decision for the 2011-2012 prizes and scholarships of bioethics

The prize for research in bioethics has been awarded to Esther Farnós Amorós for the project: Consent to assisted reproduction. Parental crisis and disposal of embryos.

Prize for Research:
Esther Farnós Amorós
, professor of Civilian Law at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, for the project: Consent to assisted reproduction. Parental crisis and disposal of embryos.

Prize for Journalistic work:
This prize is awarded to journalist Mònica López Ferrado, for her article: Truth brings relief in the face of deathpublished in the daily newspaper Ara on February 10, 2011.

Research scholarships are awarded to:
Rosa María Medina and Sandra Fernández of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Granada for the project: The medical staff-family-patient triad in conditions of intersexuality. The situation in Spain.

Michelle Piperberg of the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Barcelona for the project: About the "person". An approach to the discussions about the e

The panel of jurors announces its decision for the 2011-2012 prizes and scholarships for research on bioethics

The prize for research in bioethics has been awarded to Esther Farnós Amorós for the project: Consent to assisted reproduction. Parental crisis and disposal of embryos.

Prize for Research:
Esther Farnós Amorós
, professor of Civilian Law at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, for the project: Consent to assisted reproduction. Parental crisis and disposal of embryos.

Prize Journalistic work on bioethics:
This prize is awarded to journalist Mònica López Ferrado, for her article: Truth brings relief in the face of deathpublished in the daily newspaper Araon February 10, 2011.

Research scholarships are awarded to:
Rosa María Medina and Sandra Fernández of the Faculty of Medicine at the Universidad de Granada for the project: The medical staff-family-patient triad in conditions of intersexuality. The situation in Spain.
Michelle Piperberg of the Faculty of Philosophy at the Universitat de Barcelonafor the project: About the &ldquo

Victòria Camps receives the Josep Trueta Medal for Merit in Healthcare

The chair of the Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation and the Bioethics Committee of Spain, was awarded on october 2

Victòria Camps, chair of the Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation, the Bioethics Committee of Spain and a member of the Bioethics Committee of Catalonia, was awarded the Josep Trueta Medal for Merit in Healthcare on October 2. This distinction, granted by the Government of Catalonia, recognizes individuals and organizations who, through their own merits, have made an outstanding contribution to healthcare progress and improvement. Other recipients this year include the researchers Pedro Alonso, Josep Baselga, Anna Veiga, Bonaventura Clotet, Josep Maria Gatell; the tenor Josep Carreras; the neurologist Mercè Boada; the physicians Miguel Ángel Asenjo, Josep Maria Garrido, Albert Oriol and Josep Maria Sala; the pharmacist Joaquim Ferràs and the nurse Montserrat Valverde. The award was set up by the Government of Catalonia in 1997 to coincide with the centenary of the birth of the physician and scientist for whom the prize is named.

Upcoming Activities

The activities for the next six-month period at the Foundation will start with the Board of Trustees meeting that will be held next September 13.

On the 17 and 18 of September, the Foundation will hold the second edition of the Ethics and Public Health Course in Menorca. This is a closed seminar where real cases relating to public health are analyzed from an ethical perspective.  The Foundation is organizing the seminar in conjunction
with the Spanish Society of Public Health Administration (SESPAS).
On September 27, the panel of judges for the research scholarships and journalistic awards granted by the Foundation will meet together: The final decision however, will not be made public until the first two weeks of October.
On 15 and 16 of October, the EFGCP (European Forum for Good Clinical Practice) and the Institut Borja de Bioètica, in collaboration with the Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation, are organizing the EFGCP 2012 Regional Conference, titled: "Pressing Issues in Clinical Research".
At the end of October, the Foundation will hold the 2012 awards and scholarships ceremony.
To end the year on 3 and 4 December, the course "Therapeutic limitations in dementia" will be organized within the framework for collaboration with the Consorcio Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo in Barcelona.



Tribute to Dr. Francesc Abel i Fabre

Organized by the Institut Borja de Bioètica in collaboration with the Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation

Last June 7, a tribute was paid to Dr. Francesc Abel at the Institut Borja de Bioètica inside the auditorium of the Edifici Docent Sant Joan de Deu. He is considered to be one of the fathers of bioethics in Europe; he was the founder and chairman of the Institut Borja de Bioètica (Universitat Ramon Llull), the first institution in Europe that carried out research and training in this field. Dr. Abel was one of the founders of the Societat Catalana de Bioètica, he was the driving force behind the creation of the Comitè de Bioètica de Catalunya and the first healthcare ethics committee in a hospital in Spain. He was also responsible for leading and establishing international entities such as Medicus Mundi and the European Association of Centres of Medical Ethics, among others.
The ceremony was organized by the Institut Borja de Bioètica in collaboration with the Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation, where Dr. Abel was a member of the board of trustees since the beginning. At the ceremony, everyone who knew Dr. Francesc Abel on a personal or spiritual level or through his work, everyone who had learned from him, gathered together to pay tribute, including Dr. Josep M. Garrell, Dr. Marc Antoni Broggi, Dr. Josep M. Laïlla, Brother Miguel Martín, Father Alfonso Llano and finally Dr. Xavier Abel in representation of the family.
The main speech was delivered by Dr. Carlos Alonso Bedate, a specialist in Molecular Biology and Genetics, and also vice-president of the Bioethics Committee of Spain.  He reflected upon the current situation of Bioethics in Spain and in Europe and related this to the figure of Dr. Abel. The final tribute was entrusted to Mrs. Núria Terribas.  The director of the IBB presented a book containing a collection of texts, written by Dr. Francesc Abel, titled : "Francesc Abel i la bioètica, un llegat per a la vida".  
The ceremony was brought to a conclusion by the Government of Catalonia Minister of Health Hon. Dr. Boi Ruiz. He paid tribute to Dr. Abel's pioneering role in the field of Bioethics in Catalonia, as an advisor to the Department of Health in drafting legislation that has proved  to be fundamental.



The Grifols Foundation is acknowledged for its transparency

The foundation has been recognized for its transparency in the report Building Trust, published by the Foundation 'Compromiso Empresarial'.


The mission of this foundation, established in the year 2007 by academic and business professionals together with the non-profit making sector, is to encourage proper governance and transparency in the accountability of institutions.

The transparency analysis covered 75 Spanish family and business foundations and the information provided on their websites. The criteria used include information on activities, the mission, the board of trustees, management of finance, and the contact details.

Transparency constitutes an essential public asset, that must be protected if society is to trust in the foundation sector. The majority of the foundations analyzed in the report Building Trust 2011 are well aware of the public demand for greater transparency of information, and proof of this can be evidenced in the significant progress that has been made in the levels of transparency of the majority of foundations evaluated in the report. 





