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null Communication and apology after a medical error
Priscila Giraldo

The team led by Priscila Giraldo of the Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques (IMIM) for the project: "Comunicación y disculpa después de un error médico" (Communication and apology after a medical error).

Although there are currently a large number of studies that demonstrate the impact of medical errors on patients, research on the communications after such errors occur is still incipient. Multiple factors such as social reputation, shame, or just a lack of institutional or social support, inhibit many professionals when communicating what has happened after they commit an error. This project aims to research these aspects, and analyze the strategies followed by other countries to produce a series of legal and ethical recommendations and to provide Spanish healthcare centers with a suitable program for communicating errors and making apologies.


This research has been published in Gaceta Sanitaria (Health Gazette) as a brief article:


Giraldo P, et al. Análisis de las barreras y oportunidades legales-éticas de la comunicación y disculpa de errores asistenciales en España. Gac Sanit. 2015.


You can read it here 

(in spanish)





