Controversias ético-políticas en la introducción de sistemas de Inteligencia artificial en salud pública. Un estudio de caso sobre la estrategia de vacunación contra la COVID-19 en Cataluña [Ethical-political controversies in the introduction of artificial intelligence systems in public health. A case study of the COVID-19 vaccination strategy in Catalonia]
Núria Vallès, of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, and Júlia Pareto, of the University of Barcelona/Institute of Industrial Robotics and Information Technology, CSIC-UPC
The aim of this project is to ensure ensure the ethical use, governance and scrutiny of the introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) systems in the health sector, in order to maximize the benefits of this technology and minimize the risks. Taking this as its starting point, the project seeks to develop an ethical framework to accompany the introduction of AI systems in public health campaigns, ensuring that AI is at the service of the common good and universal health coverage.