To the researchers María Luisa Martínez, Margarita García and Valentín Navarro of the Catalan Oncology Institute, Hospital Duran i Reynals in Barcelona for the study: Donació de mostres de teixit per investigació: percepcions i disponibilitat entre malalts oncològics (Donation of samples of tissue for research: perceptions and availability among oncology patients).
Knowledge of cancer is growing exponentially due to knowledge of the human genome and the advantages which technological progress offers to science. This scientific development depends on the availability of human tumour samples and other tissue samples. Obtaining these has become a priority.
The study aims to explore the perception and availability of cancer patients with regard to the donation of samples for research and storage. As secondary goals, it also seeks to identify the perceptions of cancer patients regarding research with human samples, to identify factors associated with availability for donation, and to draw up and validate the questionnaire for evaluation of the study variables.
Donation of samples of tissue for research: perceptions and availability among oncology patients
María Luisa Martínez