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null Joan Manuel del Pozo
Joan Manuel del Pozo

PhD in Philosophy from the University of Barcelona (UB) and emeritus professor at the University of Girona.

Joan Manuel del Pozo
PhD in Philosophy from the University of Barcelona (UB) and emeritus professor at the University of Girona.

Joan Manuel del Pozo holds a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Barcelona (UB) and is emeritus professor at the University of Girona. He lectures regularly both in Spain and abroad on the issues of education, philosophy, ethics and politics.


He was co-founder and director of the Observatory of Ethics Applied to Social, Psychoeducational and Health Activities, member of the Committee for the Integrity of Research in Catalonia, and of the Board of Trustees of the University of Girona.


He has translated three of Cicero's philosophical treatises – De natura deorum, De re publica and Paradoxa Stoicorum – into Catalan for the Fundación Bernat Metge. He is the author of the direct translation of Thomas More's Utopia from the original Latin. His recent publications include an essay on urban ethics titled Ciutats de valors, ciutats valuoses (Cities with Values, Valuable Cities) and he has co-authored with Ulises Cortés a book of dialogues on artificial intelligence La intel·ligència (artificial) a la butaca ([Artificial] Intelligence in the Chair).


He was elected to the Spanish Congress and  to the Catalan Parliament, was Vice-Mayor of Girona and Minister for Education and Universities in the last government of Pasqual Maragall. He has also been a member of the Board of Management of the Catalan Audiovisual Media Corporation.




