
And the winners are...

The jury of the Bioethics Prizes and Grants has announced the winners of this year's awards

María del Mar Cabezas of the University of Salamanca for "Autonomía y vulnerabilidad infantil: Retos bioéticos para la salud psicosocial de la infància desde el Enfoque de las Capacidades". (Childhood autonomy and vulnerability: bioethical challenges for psychosocial health in childhood, from a Capacities Perspective).

Team led by Montserrat Puig of the University of Barcelona for "Impacte de la pandemia COVID19 en el sistema emocional la salut i la qualitat de vida de les persones usuàries de les residències per a persones amb discapacitat". (Impact of the COVID19 pandemic on the emotional system, health and quality of life of users of residences for people with disabilities)

Team led by Rosauro Varo of ISGlobal for "Racismo, medicina colonial y salud global: un estudio cualitativo de opinión sobre ética de las decisiones en investigación sanitaria en África". (Racism, colonial medicine and global health: a qualitative study of opinion on the ethics of decisions in health research in Africa)

Jon Rueda and Ivar Allan Rodríguez of the University of Granada for "Gen-Ética Experimental: Las bases cognitivas de las actitudes morales sobre las tecnologías genéticas y genómicas emergentes". (Experimental Gen-Ethics: The cognitive bases of moral attitudes towards energing genetic and genome technologies)

Núria Vallès, of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, and Júlia Pareto, of the University of Barcelona, for "Controvèrsies ètico-polítiques en la introducció de sistemes d'intel·ligència artificial en salut pública. Un estudi de cas sobre l'estratègia de vacunació contra la COVID-19 a Catalunya". (Ethical-political controversies in the introduction of artificial intelligence systems in public health. A case study of the COVID-19 vaccination strategy in Catalonia)

Team led by Pau Miquel of Fundació per la Recerca Sant Joan de Déu for "Les narratives clíniques de la mort: una oportunitat per al desenvolupament ètic dels professionals?". (Clinical narratives of death: an opportunity for the ethical development of professionals?)

Senior high school prizes
First prize to "Les cookies de la genètica" (Genetics cookies) by Bruna Coll, student at INS Moianès, Moià.

Second prize to "Els ventres de lloguer. La mercantilització del cos de la dona" (Wombs for hire: The commercialization of women's bodies) by Ingrid Jané, student at Escola Ginebró, Llinars del Vallès.

Third prize to "La conflictivitat ètica en els sanitaris d'UCI durant la pandèmia de la COVID-19" (Ethical conflict in ICUs during the COVID-19 pandemic) by Aitana Canto, student at Institut Gabriel Ferrater i Soler, Reus.

Audiovisual prize
Feature film "La nit no fa vigília" (The night does not keep watch) by Laura Corominas, Laura Serra, Clara Serrano, Gerard Simó, Ariadna Ulldemolins and Pau Vall, produced by Massa d'Or.

Special mention for the documentary "Ponto Final" (Full stop) by Miguel López, produced by Ringo Media.

Total submissions were: 38 grants, 146 audiovisual projects, and 11 high school projects. The jury would like to think everyone who submitted a project, and to encourage applicants to take part in future editions of the awards.



