
How has the pandemic influenced choice in social care and health studies?

The Chair of Bioethics and the M₃O research group have launched a study to evaluate this question

To what extent has the COVID-19 pandemic influenced first-year students when choosing degree subjects in the social care, health and biomedicine spheres? The TEMPS project, led by the research group Methodology, Methods, Models and Outcomes of Health and Social Sciences (M₃O) and the Grífols Foundation Chair of Bioethics at UVic-UCC, seeks to find an answer to this question.

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The study is designed to analyse the trends in matriculations and applications for the first year of degrees in the areas of social care, health and biomedicine in Spain during a six-year period, from 2016–2017 to 2021–2022. The researchers will use a survey to undertake a quantitative evaluation of the influence of the pandemic as a determining factor in the choice of university degrees in these areas, and will follow this up with a qualitative study of the experience of COVID-19 by students in the first year of social care, health and biomedical subjects (nursing, medicine, psychology, physiotherapy, etc.).


Javier Jerez, lead researcher of the TEMPS project, explained that "the aim is to understand the current situation and the impact of the pandemic on the choice of studies". Building on this, the intention is "to propose possible adaptations to the Spanish university system on the basis of the results obtained, in order to respond to current and future challenges".


The study also involves researchers from the universities of Málaga, La Rioja, A Coruña, the Basque Country and the Complutense University in Madrid, and is funded by the Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation. 

Welcome to the new members of the Board of Trustees

Carmen Tomás-Valiente, Antoni Sitges-Serra i Víctor Montori, nous patronsCarmen Tomás-Valiente, Antoni Sitges-Serra and Víctor Montori, new members

The Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation welcomes the new members of our board, three leading figures in the field of bioethics.

Bioethics and design come together in a project about ageing

Collaboration between Elisava and the Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation

The Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation has partnered with Escuela Universitaria Elisava to provide advice and training to develop publishing projects about ageing. This prestigious design school, part of Pompeu Fabra University, contacted the Foundation at the start of the year after some of its students had expressed a desire to incorporate content, research and analysis in their design project on the subject of ageing.


The Foundation provided a bioethical perspective, delivering a session on subject, giving students the opportunity to ask questions, and advising them on their work in progress.


On 25 February, the students invited the Foundation to attend the presentation of their projects. Working in different groups, organized by subject, the students developed books, catalogues, magazines and online publications, and undertook parallel activities such as performances and reading groups. Both the Foundation and the students' teachers were impressed by the way these projects found fresh ways to address the topic with great sensitivity.

Savia renews its commitment to bioethics

Donation will support bioethics activities

Savia, a company specializing in industrial engineering, has renewed its support of the Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation, and for the second year running has made a donation to support the Foundation's bioethics activities.


As part of its corporate responsibility policy, Savia allocates a share of its profits to social activities.  This company, which produces cutting-edge technology, values the people who work for it as one of its biggest assets. And, in line with this philosophy, the company is committed to giving back to society in recognition of how much it has received.


Savia visited the Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation on 3 March to demonstrate its commitment, at an event attended by managers from both organizations.


In the photo:  Xavi Jordán, Xavi Lladó, Núria Terribas, José Messa, Victòria Camps and Jorge Messa.

Winners of the Ethics and Science prizes

Congratulations to Institut Ribot i Serra, Escola Edumar, CEIP Reyes Católicos and Virolai!

The jury has published the winners of the 2020 edition of the Ethics and Science prizes at a virtual event chaired by Victoria Camps and Núria Terribas, with the participation of schools and students. The winners were:


First prize: "Diary of a confinement", Institut Ribot i Serra, Sabadell.


Second prize: "The importance of vaccines", Edumar school, Castelldefels.


Third prize: "CON-CIENCIANDO: an open-air laboratory", CEIP Reyes Católicos, Santa Fe (Granada).


The jury also made special mention of the project, "What makes us human?" by Virolai school, Barcelona.







Vídeos of public health and COVID webinars

Videos of the webinars held November 30 and December 2 and 3, now available.

  1. Citizen participation and COVID
  2. Paternalism versus freedom
  3. Transparency and communication

Webinars organized in the partnership between the Spanish Society for Public Health and Health Administration (SESPAS) and Grifols Foundation Chair of Bioethics UVic-UCC.

Webinars of Public Health

Webinars 30 November, 2and 3 December.

For several years, we have been organizing an annual seminar with the Spanish Society for Public Health and Health Administration (SESPAS) to discuss key issues in public health. Unfortunately, this year we are unable to meet in person, and we have therefore chosen a virtual format with three sessions opened to public.



Registration from 23 November

Meet the winners!

The jury has announced the winners of the 2020 Bioethics Awards.


Belén Jiménez, of the Open University of Catalonia, and Ignacio Brescó, of Aalborg University, for "Can artificial intelligence help us prepare for death? Ethical questions regarding chatbots for grief and the end of life."


The team led by Laura Martínez of Sant Joan de Déu Research Foundation for "The ethics of biomedical research in the context of COVID-19. (Evaluative quality of CEIm)."


The team led by Anna Falcó and Loris Bonetti, with researchers from the University of Barcelona, the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland and the Universitá degli Studi, Milan, for "Influence of the health crisis as a result of COVID-19 in ethical conflicts of intensive care professionals in Catalonia and Lombardy. (Quali – ETIC – COVID-19 Research)."


Rebeca Pardo of the International University of Catalonia and Montse Morcate of the University of Barcelona for "The ethics of images of illness, death and grieving in times of COVID-19."


The team led by Josefina Goberna of the University of Barcelona for "Giving birth in times of the COVID-19 pandemic: Ethical implications of maternity care."


The team led by Andrea Rodríguez-Prat of the International University of Catalonia for "Death in solitude from the perspective of COVID-19 survivors. A phenomenological study."


To the research team of Joaquín Hortal (Clinical Ethics Committee Granada North-east), Maite Cruz (Andalusian School of Public Health) and Javier Padilla ( Guadix High Resolution Hospital) for "Una de cal y otra de arena: citizen suspicion of COVID-19 vaccination and rejection of the flu vaccine among health professionals."


Jordi Muñoz of the University of Barcelona for "Health, democracy and freedom. The ethical and political dilemmas of the pandemic."



Documentary "Ole mi coño, fighting back against cyber blackmail" by Patricia Franquesa, produced by Gadea Films and Ringo Media.


Special mention for the documentary Segundina Flores by Clara Camprubí, produced by Looky Produccions.



First prize for Genome editing by Carlos Barata, student at  La Salle, Girona.


Second prize for Female genital mutilation by Noa Calvo, student at l'Institut Dertosa, Tortosa.


Third prize for The diseases of poverty. Beyond a health problem by Bet Corominas, student at Escola Pia, Mataró.


Total submissions were: 48 grants, 134 audiovisual projects, and 15 high school projects

En 2016, en el Espacio de Reflexión y Acción Ética (ERAE) de la Fundació Pere Mitjans se planteó la cuestión de si era ético y jurídicamente correcto que los profesionales ofrecieran apoyo y acompañamiento a una persona de cincuenta años en una grave situación de discapacidad que deseaba tener relaciones sexuales, para lo cual era necesario contratar a un trabajador sexual. El ERAE analizó y concluyó en un documento que el consentimiento del tutor era si acaso deseable, pero no necesario.


Sin embargo, la amenaza de un poder judicial en general poco comprometido con la diversidad y la libertad humana les llevó a consultarlo con distintos profesionales del derecho, algunos de ellos jueces y fiscales, lo cual aumentó la inseguridad jurídica porque nos dieron opiniones contrapuestas.


Tres años después fue posible someter el documento, a la discusión de los participantes en una jornada organizada por la Fundació Víctor Grífols i Lucas, cuyas aportaciones se publican en el cuaderno "Sexualidad y diversidad funcional".


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New dates

The conference will now be held on 18 and 19 February 2021

The International Bioethics Conference, due to take place on 12 and 13 November 2020 at the University of Vic, will now take place on 18 and 19 February 2021. In light of the ongoing uncertainty, and in order to ensure that speakers and delegates are able to attend, we have decided to postpone the conference until 2021.

We will keep you informed about the conference programme, presentations and registration.

Two grants to be awarded for bioethics and COVID research

Each research grant is worth 5,000 euros

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic and the many ethical questions raised by the management of this health crisis, the Foundation has decided to promote specific research into this issue. This will be supported by two research grants, worth 5,000 euros each (in addition to the six grants we normally offer) for projects which address these questions.


Two of the grants for this year's funding round will be reserved for projects related to ethical aspects of COVID-19.


The final date for the submission of grant applications has been extended until 30 June.


Ethics and COVID-19 in residential care centres

The Uvic–UCC Chair of Bioethics has contributed to a document on ethical and clinical decisions in residential care centres

The COVID-19 pandemic poses a particular threat to residential care centres, due to the vulnerability of residents, resource restrictions and the pressure on other areas of the system, all of which are compounded by the impact on care professionals. The Chair of Palliative Care, the Grífols Foundation Chair of Bioethics and the C3RG research group, all of whom are affiliated to the Centre of Social and Health Studies at the University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC), in partnership with other professionals, have drawn up a document which is designed to provide tools to support decision-making in these centres.


The document takes as its starting point the current crisis, with the attendant restrictions on both internal and external resources, and the need to respect both residents and the professionals who care for them, doing everything possible to provide care of the highest quality. It includes methods and advice for diagnosis, evaluation of resources, handling the relationship with the family, the patient and the care team, and referral criteria.





