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null (Assisted suicide and euthanasia in the 1995 Penal Code: Article 143
(Assisted suicide and euthanasia in the 1995 Penal Code: Article 143

Carmen Tomás-Valiente Lanuza, Professor of Penal Law in the Law Faculty at the Universidad de Valencia

Carmen Tomás-Valiente Lanuza
Professor of Penal Law in the Law Faculty at the Universidad de Valencia

Carmen Tomás-Valiente discusses article 143 of the new Penal Code, paying close attention to the meaning and scope of the legal text, and analyzing the reasoning on which it is based. She then goes on to consider other ways of looking at these problems together with other lines of legal argument. These provide the basis for the comparison of theories and practices which serve to help understand the large number of factors which need to be taken into consideration when specific decisions are made.

Tomás Valiente, C.

La cooperación al suicidio y la eutanasia en el nuevo código penal.

Valencia: Tirant Lo Blanc, 2000. 160p.

ISBN: 10 8484421155




