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null Almost 200 people attended the presentation of the document on sexual and emotional education
Almost 200 people attended the event where the document Sexuality and the emotions: can they be taught? was presented.  This document which was published by the Victor Grifols i Lucas Foundation and written by a group of experts, finally brings to the table one of the topics of education in both children and adolescents that has yet to be addressed. Victòria Camps, president of the Foundation, commented "…the document is food for thought; it is interesting not only for schools and for parents, but also for our policy makers, our institutions, and for those who transmit messages to the rest of society".

The document highlights the need for involving all of the different social agents in emotional and sexual education.  The document coordinator Rosa Ros, director of the Young People's Centre for Contraception and Sexuality (CJAS) in Barcelona, reinforced this point "We are always educating: when we speak, when we transmit our thoughts, when we communicate…" she reminded us. "Information concerning sexuality should not be delivered in isolation but should also involve communication and should be comprehensible to adolescents".





