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null An introduction to the ethics of care: bioethics for ordinary people
An introduction to the ethics of care: bioethics for ordinary people

Antonio Casado da Rocha, Researcher at the Department of the Philosophy of Values and Social Anthropology at the Universidad del País Vasco

Antonio Casado da Rocha
Researcher at the Department of the Philosophy of Values and Social Anthropology at the Universidad del País Vasco
The history of bioethics is closely linked to the growing participation of patients, service users and research subjects in the decision-making process, and this in turn requires them to consider complex ethical issues in the context of the life sciences. The concept of the ethics of care involves extending clinical ethics to the human relationship between carer and patient, encompassing the social context within which health services are delivered, and addressing those moral issues which arise in the work of both health professionals and social workers.
Antonio Casado da Rocha's book is dedicated to those who do not have specialist knowledge of this subject. Writing from the perspective of philosophy, but touching also on the law, medicine, literature and cinema, Casado da Rocha argues for the role in the care relationship of those from outside of the health profession, calls for the reinterpretation of patient's autonomy to avoid the dangers of extreme paternalism or extreme autonomy, and draws on the notion of narrative - both artistic and everyday - to promote public consideration of bioethical issues.
In a series of essays, each of which can be read on its own, he applies and analyzes the principles and methods of the ethics of care, presenting both mainstream international approaches and more recent developments.

Casado da Rocha, A.
Bioética para legos. Una introducción a la ética asistencial.
Madrid: Ed. Plaza y Valdés, 2008. 238p.
ISBN: 978-84-96780-51-4



