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null Award of the Foundation's Prizes and Grants
Award of the Foundation's Prizes and Grants

The Víctor Grífols i Lucas Awards Jury has announced the winners of its prizes and grants for 2008-2009.

Research Prize:
David Rodríguez-Arias Vaihen, for his work: Brain death and organ transplants: international and ethical aspects.

Research Grants:

To the team led by Josefa Fernández Barrera of the Department of Social Work and Social Services in the Faculty of Education of the University of Barcelona for the study: Social work with families: the responsibility of social workers in the self-determination of the most vulnerable groups.

To Ana Lucía Noreña Peña and Elena Ferrer of the University Hospital of San Juan in Alicante for their work: Research protocol: "Listening to the voices of children. Ethical aspects of the process of informing hospitalized minors."

To José Luís Pérez Triviño of the Department of Legal Philosophy at the Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona for the study: Positive eugenics and its impact on sporting practice.

To the team led by María Isabel Tamayo Velázquez of the Andalucian School of Public Health for the work: Portal on advance directives across the world.

Journalism prize:
To the programme Einstein a la platja by Barcelona Televisió titled: Adéu als gens omnipotents (Farewell to omnipotent genes) broadcast on 1 November 2008.





