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null Award of the Foundation's Prizes and Grants (2008-2009)
Award of the Foundation's Prizes and Grants

The Víctor Grífols i Lucas Awards Jury has announced the winners of its prizes and grants for 2008-2009.

Research Prize:
David Rodríguez-Arias Vaihen, for his work: Brain death and organ transplants: international and ethical aspects.

Research Grants:

To the team led by Josefa Fernández Barrera of the Department of Social Work and Social Services in the Faculty of Education of the University of Barcelona for the study: Social work with families: the responsibility of social workers in the self-determination of the most vulnerable groups.

To Ana Lucía Noreña Peña and Elena Ferrer of the University Hospital of San Juan in Alicante for their work: Research protocol: "Listening to the voices of children. Ethical aspects of the process of informing hospitalized minors."

To José Luís Pérez Tr



