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null Awards and Grants for research on bioethics 2013-14
Awards and Grants for research on bioethics 2013-14

The jury for the Awards and Scholarships has announced the prizes for this edition

Scholarships for research on bioethics

Sergio Ramos of the University of Barcelona for the project "El documento de voluntades anticipadas en salud mental" (Advance directives in mental health)
Jordi Cabòs of the University of Barcelona for the project "Epidemiologia de la Resiliència" (Epidemiology of resilience).
To the team lead by Priscila Giraldo of the Hospital del Mar medical Research Institute (IMIM) for the project "Comunicación y disculpa después de un error médico". (Communication and apology after a medical error).
Oriol Yuguero of the University of Lleida for the project "Estudio de la empatía de los médicos y enfermeras de Atención Primaria de la Región Sanitaria de Lleida y su relación con las variables clínica" (A study of the empathy of doctors and nurses in Primary Healthcare in the region of Lleida, and its relation to clinical variables)
Omar García of the University of the Basque Country for the project "El concepto de autonomía del DSM 5: rasgos y posibles implicaciones de su modificación" (The concept of autonomy of the DSM5: features and possible implications of its amendment).
Míriam de la Flor of the Joan XXIII University Hospital for the project "Programa de toma de decisiones compartida en el cáncer de mama con mastectomía. El derecho de la mujer a decidir". (The shared decision making program in breast cancer with mastectomy. The right of women to decide).

Awards for research on bioethics at high school level 

First prize: Beatriz de Peray for the project "Les implicacions ètiques en el diagnòstic genètic preimplantacional" (Ethical implications in pre-implantation genetic diagnosis). 
Second prize: Noemí Aranda for the project "Un giro de 180º" (A 180º turn)
Third prize: Eloi Güell for the project  "El futur de la naturalesa humana" (The future of human nature)

Journalism award for work on bioethics

Ana Macpherson for the article "¿Qué hay en mi historia clínica?" (What is on my medical records?) published in La Vanguardia newspaper on December 9, 2013.





