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null Clonning: ten years on
Clonning: ten years on

Iñigo de Miguel Beriain, Researcher with the Inter-University Chair in Law and the Human Genome of the Universidad del País Vasco -EHU

Iñigo de Miguel Beriain
Researcher with the Inter-University Chair in Law and the Human Genome of the Universidad del País Vasco -EHU

In the study, Iñigo de Miguel looks at cloning and the ethical and legal framework. Ten years after the birth of Dolly the sheep, he revisits the debate on cloning, updating the ethical considerations and proposing a range of ideas to address them from a current perspective.

The book also considers the past, present and future impact on our societies of the transfer of cell nuclei, whether as a result of new stem cell production techniques or directly through the cloning of human beings.
de Miguel Beriain, I. 

La clonación, diez años después.

Granada: Ed. Comares, 2008. 228p.

ISBN: 978-84-9836-408-8.




