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null Informed consent: history, theory and practice
Informed consent: history, theory and practice

Pablo Simón, Ph.D. in Medicine, and Professor of Bioethics

Pablo Simón
Ph.D. in Medicine, and Professor of Bioethics

The growing importance of bioethics in today's medicine originates, to a great extent, from clinical practice. The doctor-patient relationship has changed profoundly in just a few years. Today, doctors cannot freely decide what is good for the patient without first consulting him. For this reason, the practice of informed consent has become central to this relationship.

Pablo Simón, family physician and Professor of Bioethics, dedicated several years to writing this far-ranging and impressive piece of work, covering all the aspects of informed consent in five sections: history of informed consent, ethical and legal basis, elements of the theory; capacity or competence, practical application and the written forms for informed consent.
Simón, P.

El consentimiento informado. Historia, teoría y práctica.

Madrid: Ed. Triacastela, 2000. 480p.

ISBN: 84-930914-0-5



