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null Justice and health: ethics for rationing health resources
Justice and health: ethics for rationing health resources

Àngel Puyol González, Professor of Moral Philosophy and Politics at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Àngel Puyol González
Professor of Moral Philosophy and Politics at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Who should we allow to die? This is the kind of decision which today's welfare state in crisis must confront. The days when medical technology was economically accessible to attend to all those who needed it has given way to a new context of growing financial difficulties in the provision of public services. The result is the need to ration scarce health resources.

It is vital to build consensus on a topic such as this. In the context of enforced budget restrictions, some people will die while the health of others will be seriously compromised. As a consequence, all members of society have the right, and also the obligation, to form part of the process that creates and distributes the results of this reasoning.

Puyol, A.

Justícia i salut. Ètica per al racionament dels recursos sanitaris.

Barcelona: Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 1999. 186p.

ISBN: 84-490-1469-7




