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null L'experiència de ser cuidat en un hospital. Perspectiva des del client immigrat econòmic extracomunitario (The experience of being cared for in hospital from the perspective of the non EC economic immigrant)
Montserrat Guillaumet
To the team led by Montserrat Guillaumet of the Escola Universitària d'Infermeria Sant Pau for their research: L'experiència de ser cuidat en un hospital. Perspectiva des del client immigrat econòmic extracomunitari (The experience of being cared for in hospital from the perspective of the non EC economic immigrant).

This study arises in view of the interest and concern to explore, discover and understand, how immigrants being cared for in a hospital infirmary at any of the different Catalonian University Hospitals, feel about the experiences they go through. The study is centered on economic and / or political immigrants from outside the EC.
The methodology envisaged involves in-depth interviews and hermeneutical analysis of the narratives that are produced.



