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null Presentation of 'Sexuality and the emotions: can they be taught?'

Barcelona, 17 March 2011./ The publication Afectividad y sexualidad. ¿Son educables? (Sexuality and the emotions. Can they be taught?) will be presented this Wednesday 23 March at 7:00 pm, at the Sala Cotxeres, Palau Robert. The event will be chaired by Victoria Camps, President of the Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation, and Ismael Palacín, Director of the Jaume Bofill Foundation, with Rosa Ros, Director of the Young People's Centre for Contraception and Sexuality in Barcelona and editor of the document.

The presentation will be followed by two lectures:
"Education in harmony: the emotions, sexuality and living together," by Maria Jesús Comellas, doctor in Psychology and lecturer at the Department of Applied Pedagogy at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

"Adolescent motherhood and its influence on life outcomes," by Margarita Delgado, doctor in Sociology and scientific researcher at CSIC, the Spanish National Research Council.





