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null Presentation of the document Sexuality and the emotions: Can they be taught?
Presentation of the document Sexuality and the emotions: Can they be taught?

On March 23 at 19:00 h. at the Palau Robert in Barcelona

Registration for this event is now closed, since the maximum room capacity has been reached.

On March 23 at 19:00 h. at the Palau Robert in Barcelona, a presentation will be made of the document Sexuality and the emotions: Can they be taught? This document, published by the Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation, aims to provide parents, teachers and healthcare professionals with a series of reflections on child and adolescent sexual education.

The presentation will be chaired by: Victòria Camps, president of the Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation and Ismael Palacín, director of the Jaume Bofill Foundation.

Rosa Ros, director of the Centre Jove d'Anticoncepció i Sexualitat and coordinator of the document.

Educació en harmonia: afectivitat, sexualitat i convivència
Ma. Jesús Comellas, Psychology Professor at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

La maternidad en la adolescencia y su influencia sobre la trayectoria vital
Margarita Delgado, Sociologist and Scientist Researcher at the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas.

A copy of the document will be handed out to those who attend.

Registration for this event is now closed, since the maximum room capacity has been reached. Please take note that you can download the pdf file Sexuality and the emotions: Can they be taught?  The foundation will upload a video of the presentation and event conferences to YouTube.






