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null Renowned philosopher Daniel Callahan to deliver the first Annual Josep Egozcue Lectures

Barcelona, 15 September 2007./ The Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation, established by Grifols to promote the study and development of bioethics in human health, will present its Annual Bioethics Awards on 1 October, worth 6,000 euros (Research Prize), 3,000 euros (Journalism Prize) and 3,900 euros (for each of four research grants), respectively.

The event will also see the first of a new annual lecture cycle, the Josep Egozcue Lectures, established by the Foundation in memory of its former Vice-President and highly regarded researcher in cell biology.

During the event, Daniel Callahan, Director of the International Program of the Hastings Center in New York, will give three lectures on how progress in medical science, new healthcare needs and the restriction of resources to meet these needs will affect how we understand contemporary medicine in industrialized countries.





