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null The jury decision for the awards and grants for 2010 - 2011
The jury decision for the awards and grants for 2010 - 2011

The research prize was awarded to Eduardo Alfonso Rueda Barrera for the project Incertitude, autonomy and use of predictive genetic testing: Beyond individual consent.


Research prize:

Eduardo Alfonso Rueda Barrera, professor at the Javeriana University in Bogota for the project: Incertitude, autonomy and use of predictive genetic testing: Beyond individual consent.

Journalistic prize:
 The journalistic prize was awarded to the television documentary "Zeladors" (Orderlies), that was broadcast by Spanish national television (TVE) on April 10, 2010 in the program "Gran Angular" (The Wide Angle).
Research  grants were awarded to:
The team lead by Anna Rodríguez Morera of the Catalonian Oncology Institute in Gerona (Institut Català d'Oncologia de Girona) for the Project: Emotional reactions and behavior in children and adolescents whose parents have advanced stages of cancer.

The team lead by Magí Farré Albaladejo of the IMIM Foundation for the project: Placebo information in clinical trials and its influence on participant decision.

Roser Marquet Palomer of the ICS EAP Canet de Mar (Canet de Mar Local Health Center) for the Project: Perception of confidentiality in elderly patients in rural communities.

Marta Roca i Escoda at the Institute of Law and technology at the UAB for the project: Uterine surrogacy compared to the parenting system:  Analysis of a current phenomenon.

Free registration. You can register for the conferences by going to the calendar and accessing July 22.





