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null The series of articles published during 2006
The series of articles published during 2006

Isabel Perancho, El Mundo

Isabel Perancho,
El Mundo

Isabel Perancho, journalist with El Mundo, was awarded the journalism prize for the series of articles published during 2006 titled: "Las relaciones con la industria, por fin en el código deontológico (Relations with industry: an ethical code at last), Investigación independiente: ¿está en vías de extinción? (Independent research: is it in danger of extinction?), ¿Son fiables las revistas médicas? (Are medical journals reliable?), España lidera la búsqueda de nuevas fuentes de órganos útiles para el implante (Spain leads the search for new sources of organs for implantation) and la Entrevista a Octavi Quintana, director de investigación en salud de la Comisión Europea (Interview with Octavi Quintana, director of health research at the European Commission)".



