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null Web 2.0 Provides New Opportunities for Health
Web 2.0 Provides New Opportunities for Health

Different specialists point out the new opportunities that the Web 2.0 offers to both patients and to the health system.


Despite the number of different initiatives, internet forums and virtual communities that facilitate new ways of relating to one another over the internet, current healthcare models have still not made any significant progress in this field.   There are some very cautious steps forward and even some trial programs are underway, but the Web 2.0 continues to be one of the current challenges for many of our institutions.

This was the overall conclusion according to the experts who took part in the course "e-patients, Web 2.0 and empowerment" organized by the Victor Grifols i Lucas Foundation and the Observatory for Scientific Communication at the Pompeu Fabra University on May 16.  Journalists, experts from patient associations, managers, e-health consultants, and teachers discussed the new ways in which we relate to one another in the healthcare sector over the internet and the current challenges faced by both patients and healthcare professionals.



Gemma Revuelta and Vladimir de Semir, deputy director and director of the Observatory for Scientific Communication at the Pompeu Fabra University  and two of the working grups.



Summary of the course





