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null Value from the prespective of the patien: a key aspect in attending to chronic illness

The Víctor Grífols i Lucas Fundació has co-organized a training course with the CUIMPB to examine the complexities of caring for chronic patients.

Barcelona, October 16, 2014. Healthcare for patients with complex chronic illness is a challenge that all countries must face regardless of their wealth, and which raises ethical controversies regarding the quality of life, treatment response and resource sustainability.
For this reason, the Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation together with the Menéndez Pelayo University Consortium in Barcelona (CUIMPB), this week organized the training course Chronic Healthcare: more is sometimes less. During the conferences different experts addressed some of the most sensitive issues from the perspective of the patient such as the time, suffering and the ability to take decisions.

View the press release (in spanish)





