
And the winners are...

The Bioethics Awards and Grants Jury has announced the winning projects for this year’s edition


  • The team led by Núria Masnou from the Dr. Josep Trueta University Hospital of Girona for its work entitled “Anàlisi de la relació del personal sanitari amb la mort a partir de l’aplicació de la LORE” (Analysis of healthcare workers’ attitudes towards death based on the application of LORE -  the Spanish Organic Law 3/2021 of March 24 regulating Euthanasia)”.
  • M. Esperança Ginebra, Elena Lauroba and Joan Escarrabill from the University of Barcelona for their work “Consentimiento informado y toma de decisiones compartidas: construcciones jurídicas y experiencias médicas para salvaguardar la autonomía de los pacientes” (Informed consent and shared decision-making: legal constructions and medical experiences to safeguard patient autonomy).
  • Juan Francisco Roldán’s team, from the Fundació de Recerca Sant Joan de Déu (Sant Joan de Déu Research Foundation) for its work entitled “Adaptación y validación del cuestionario Inpatient Dignity Scale (IPDS) Estudio Multicéntrico” (Adaptation and validation of the Inpatient Dignity Scale [IPDS]: A multicentre study).
  • Mar Vallès, Iris Parra and Ramón Ortega from the University of Granada, for their project “Narrativas de final de vida de pacientes que solicitan la ayuda para morir” (End-of-life narratives of patients requesting assistance in dying).
  • Adrián Villalba and Miguel Moreno from the University of Granada for their work “Gametos artificiales o cómo nos reproduciremos mañana: Un marco normativo para determinar la moralidad” (Artificial gametes or how we will reproduce tomorrow: a regulatory framework to determine morality).
  • The team led by Jaime Fons of the Foundation for the Promotion of Health and Biomedical Research of the Valencian Region (FISABIO) for its work “Portal del donante: herramienta digital para mejorar el proceso de consentimiento informado en la donación de muestras biológicas con fines de investigación.” (The Donor Portal: a digital tool to improve the informed consent process for the donation of biological samples for research purposes).

Secondary school prizes

  • First prize for the project entitled “CRISPR les tisores moleculars amb què podràs tallar l’ADN” (CRISPR: molecular scissors to edit DNA) by student Lúa Abad from the Escola Pia Balmes School in Barcelona.
  • Second prize for “Artificial Intelligence: the (r)evolutionary way to transform medicine” by student Andrea García from Col·legi Diocesà Sagrada Família School of Tortosa.
  • Third prize for “Bioètica i mort digna” (Bioethics and dying with dignity) by student Ovidi Mallafré from Anna Gironella de Mundet Secondary School.

Audiovisual Award

  • For the feature film “La dona invisible” (Invisible woman) by Carla Sospedra, produced by Edna Cinema.
  • Honourable Mention: for the documentary “Les culpables” (The Guilty Ones) by Montse Pujol and produced by Boogaloo Films.

A total of 26 grants applications, 92 audiovisual projects and 19 secondary school projects were received. The jury appreciates the participation of all those who submitted projects and encourages them to take part in future editions.

Activities for the new academic year!

Schedule of lectures with Friends of UNESCO

After the summer holidays, we resume the cycle of lectures we organize with Barcelona Friends of UNESCO, with talks on topics including transsexuality, vaccination and organ donation.


Here is the schedule of lectures for the second half of 2022:

05/10 at 18:30 h. – Sex and gender: transsexuality as a reality

Sabel Gabaldón Fraile, child psychiatrist at San Juan de Dios Hospital and expert in bioethics and gender variability.


09/11 at 18:30 h. – Vaccines and globalization

Andreu Segura, Coordinator of the SESPAS Ethics and Public Health Working Group Group.


14/12 at 18:30 h – Altruism and organ and tissue donation: do we need to revise these concepts?

Núria Terribas, Director of the Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation.


The lectures will be held in person at the premises of Barcelona Friends of UNESCO (c/ Mallorca, 207)

Find out more! Registration opens shortly.

Nou quadern en col·laboració amb la Societat Espanyola de Salut Pública i Administració Sanitaria (SESPAS). En aquesta ocasió, tracta sobre com han afectat les polítiques sanitaries en el tenir cura. Inclou la col·laboració de professionals salubristes i de l'àmbit de la filosofia que aporten el seu punt de vista en la qüestió.


Amb la participació de Lucía Artazcoz, Txetxu Ausin, Oriol Farrés, José Augusto García Navarro, Àngel Puyol, Begoña Román i Andreu Segura.


Annual Report 2021

A document which summarizes our efforts to promote bioethics during the past year.

In the report you will find details of the activities conducted last year, the prizes awarded and the publications issued, plus all of the relevant corporate information. 



New members of the Foundation's Board of Trustees.

We welcome Dolors Comas d'Argemir and Joan Manuel del Pozo

The new members of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation, Dolors Comas d'Argemir (PhD in philosophy and arts) and Joan Manuel del Pozo (Emeritus professor), will provide their perspective and their experience in education, philosophy, anthropology, politics and gender issues. We also welcome Montserrat Busquets in her new position as Vice-President of our foundation.


Find out more here:

The winners of Ethics and Science awards are...

Baix Montseny High School from Sant Celoni, la Espiga primary school from Zurbarán and Diocesan School from Navàs.

The winners of the Ethics and Science Awards for educational establishments were announced at the awards ceremony on 15 February. This year winners are:


First prize for the project "APS Community project on antimicrobial resistance" of the Institut Baix Montseny de Sant Celoni.

Second prize for the "Cooperativa Junior Salud Torvis" project of the CRA la Espiga de Zurbarán center.

Third prize in the "Forest" project of the Diocesan School of Navàs.



New activities with Amics de la UNESCO

The lecture series resumes!

Once again we are organizing our lecture series with Barcelona Friends of UNESCO, as part of the project "Spaces for reflection" with a focus on bioethical issues such as social robotics, human improvement and the ethics of care.


Here is the schedule of lectures for the first half of 2022:


  • 23/3. Ethics and Robots - Miquel Domènech (director of the Department of Social Psychology, UAB) 
  • 27/4. Improving the human brain: what can we do and what do we want to do to improve brain functions? - Bernabé Robles (neurologist and professor of bioethics, UVic) 
  • 18/5. Environmental pollution and poisons: scientific, ethical and cultural questions - Miquel Porta (epidemiologist and professor of Public Health)
  • 15/6. The ethics of care - Montserrat Busquets (Senior Lecturer, retired, UB)
  • 13/7. Chatbots: ethical challenges and care dilemmas - Belén Jiménez (researcher and professor of Psychology and Education Sciences, UOC)


The lectures will be held in person at the premises of Barcelona Friends of UNESCO (c/ Mallorca, 207)


Registration open soon

The Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation wins Prize for Scientific Promotion

Awarded by the Generalitat de Catalunya

The Government of Catalonia and the Catalan Foundation for Research and Innovation (FCRI) have announced the winners of the National Prizes for Research 2020. The Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation was recognized in the Scientific Promotion category for its deep and longstanding commitment to supporting the study, research, communication and debate of bioethics in the world of human health and the life sciences.


The awards also recognized the researchers Bonaventura Clotet, director of the IrsiCaixa AIDS Research Institute and head of the Infectious Disease Service at Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol, and Carme Torras, research professor at CSIC and head of the Perception and Manipulation research group at the Institute of Robotics and Industrial Informatics (CSIC-UPC).


Other winners were: Núria Montserrat, ICREA research professor at the Institute of Bioengineering of Catalonia (Prize for Emerging Talent), the journal Mètode (Prize for Scientific Communication), B. Braun Surgical SAU (Prize for Public-Private Partnership in R&D), and the Centre for Genome Regulation (Prize for the Creation of a Science-based Company).


The National Prizes for Research promote social understanding of science and the activities of researchers, teachers, entrepreneurs, communicators and bodies creating science-based companies.

And the winners are...

The jury of the Bioethics Prizes and Grants has announced the winners of this year's awards

María del Mar Cabezas of the University of Salamanca for "Autonomía y vulnerabilidad infantil: Retos bioéticos para la salud psicosocial de la infància desde el Enfoque de las Capacidades". (Childhood autonomy and vulnerability: bioethical challenges for psychosocial health in childhood, from a Capacities Perspective).

Team led by Montserrat Puig of the University of Barcelona for "Impacte de la pandemia COVID19 en el sistema emocional la salut i la qualitat de vida de les persones usuàries de les residències per a persones amb discapacitat". (Impact of the COVID19 pandemic on the emotional system, health and quality of life of users of residences for people with disabilities)

Team led by Rosauro Varo of ISGlobal for "Racismo, medicina colonial y salud global: un estudio cualitativo de opinión sobre ética de las decisiones en investigación sanitaria en África". (Racism, colonial medicine and global health: a qualitative study of opinion on the ethics of decisions in health research in Africa)

Jon Rueda and Ivar Allan Rodríguez of the University of Granada for "Gen-Ética Experimental: Las bases cognitivas de las actitudes morales sobre las tecnologías genéticas y genómicas emergentes". (Experimental Gen-Ethics: The cognitive bases of moral attitudes towards energing genetic and genome technologies)

Núria Vallès, of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, and Júlia Pareto, of the University of Barcelona, for "Controvèrsies ètico-polítiques en la introducció de sistemes d'intel·ligència artificial en salut pública. Un estudi de cas sobre l'estratègia de vacunació contra la COVID-19 a Catalunya". (Ethical-political controversies in the introduction of artificial intelligence systems in public health. A case study of the COVID-19 vaccination strategy in Catalonia)

Team led by Pau Miquel of Fundació per la Recerca Sant Joan de Déu for "Les narratives clíniques de la mort: una oportunitat per al desenvolupament ètic dels professionals?". (Clinical narratives of death: an opportunity for the ethical development of professionals?)

Senior high school prizes
First prize to "Les cookies de la genètica" (Genetics cookies) by Bruna Coll, student at INS Moianès, Moià.

Second prize to "Els ventres de lloguer. La mercantilització del cos de la dona" (Wombs for hire: The commercialization of women's bodies) by Ingrid Jané, student at Escola Ginebró, Llinars del Vallès.

Third prize to "La conflictivitat ètica en els sanitaris d'UCI durant la pandèmia de la COVID-19" (Ethical conflict in ICUs during the COVID-19 pandemic) by Aitana Canto, student at Institut Gabriel Ferrater i Soler, Reus.

Audiovisual prize
Feature film "La nit no fa vigília" (The night does not keep watch) by Laura Corominas, Laura Serra, Clara Serrano, Gerard Simó, Ariadna Ulldemolins and Pau Vall, produced by Massa d'Or.

Special mention for the documentary "Ponto Final" (Full stop) by Miguel López, produced by Ringo Media.

Total submissions were: 38 grants, 146 audiovisual projects, and 11 high school projects. The jury would like to think everyone who submitted a project, and to encourage applicants to take part in future editions of the awards.

Guide for creating mobile apps in health

With the participation of the Grífols Foundation Chair of Bioethics UVIC-UCC

Fundación Tic Salut Social, a body of the Department of Health of the Government of Catalonia, has presented a new version of its guide to creating mobile apps, following basic principles of ethics, security, accessibility, user-friendliness, interoperability and reliability.


The Grífols Foundation Chair of Bioethics UVic UCC contributed to the guide, in partnership with other universities, and technology, health and social institutions. The guide grew out of the Mobility Plan, which encourages institutions in the health sector to make care and health services more accessible to users through the deployment of mobile technologies, and facilitates the transformation of care and social processes.


The document is a compendium of recommendations designed to support the creation of effective, user-friendly, safe applications that guarantee the rights and freedoms of users. It encompasses both the technical and the ethnical and functional aspects that any mobile application must incorporate in the initial phases of the development project.


On the ethical side, the document highlights the need for the app development process to be built around respect for individual rights and to incorporate fundamental ethical criteria such as respect for autonomy, proportionality, and data protection.


Consult the guide here

mHealth - TIC Salut Social


Presentation video

Desenvolupament d'aplicacions mòbils en l'àmbit de la salut i l'atenció a la persona - YouTube


How has the pandemic influenced choice in social care and health studies?

The Chair of Bioethics and the M₃O research group have launched a study to evaluate this question

To what extent has the COVID-19 pandemic influenced first-year students when choosing degree subjects in the social care, health and biomedicine spheres? The TEMPS project, led by the research group Methodology, Methods, Models and Outcomes of Health and Social Sciences (M₃O) and the Grífols Foundation Chair of Bioethics at UVic-UCC, seeks to find an answer to this question.

Complete the survey


The study is designed to analyse the trends in matriculations and applications for the first year of degrees in the areas of social care, health and biomedicine in Spain during a six-year period, from 2016–2017 to 2021–2022. The researchers will use a survey to undertake a quantitative evaluation of the influence of the pandemic as a determining factor in the choice of university degrees in these areas, and will follow this up with a qualitative study of the experience of COVID-19 by students in the first year of social care, health and biomedical subjects (nursing, medicine, psychology, physiotherapy, etc.).


Javier Jerez, lead researcher of the TEMPS project, explained that "the aim is to understand the current situation and the impact of the pandemic on the choice of studies". Building on this, the intention is "to propose possible adaptations to the Spanish university system on the basis of the results obtained, in order to respond to current and future challenges".


The study also involves researchers from the universities of Málaga, La Rioja, A Coruña, the Basque Country and the Complutense University in Madrid, and is funded by the Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation. 

Welcome to the new members of the Board of Trustees

Carmen Tomás-Valiente, Antoni Sitges-Serra i Víctor Montori, nous patronsCarmen Tomás-Valiente, Antoni Sitges-Serra and Víctor Montori, new members

The Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation welcomes the new members of our board, three leading figures in the field of bioethics.

Bioethics and design come together in a project about ageing

Collaboration between Elisava and the Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation

The Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation has partnered with Escuela Universitaria Elisava to provide advice and training to develop publishing projects about ageing. This prestigious design school, part of Pompeu Fabra University, contacted the Foundation at the start of the year after some of its students had expressed a desire to incorporate content, research and analysis in their design project on the subject of ageing.


The Foundation provided a bioethical perspective, delivering a session on subject, giving students the opportunity to ask questions, and advising them on their work in progress.


On 25 February, the students invited the Foundation to attend the presentation of their projects. Working in different groups, organized by subject, the students developed books, catalogues, magazines and online publications, and undertook parallel activities such as performances and reading groups. Both the Foundation and the students' teachers were impressed by the way these projects found fresh ways to address the topic with great sensitivity.



