Asset Publisher

Bioethics and Rare diseases

17 July 2024

Reflections on the ethical aspects of rare diseases from different perspectives

Desafíos éticos de la IA en medicina

12 June 2024

David Casacuberta alerta de los retos que plantea la IA en salud pública

Limitations of Euthanasia: Mature Minors and Disability

18 January 2024

Carmen Tomás-Valiente explains the impact of offering aid in dying on these cases

Euthanasia: ethical, legal and administrative challenges under the LORE

03 July 2023

Euthanasia experts discuss the new law’s legal framework in Spain, patient rights, challenges and responsibilities

Documentos clave para el desarrollo de la bioética

23 May 2023

Presentamos algunos de los principales documentos que han jugado un papel importante para la regulación la bioética

Racism, colonial medicine and global health

28 February 2023

Rosauro Varo makes a preview of his lecture

When it rains, it pours

25 January 2023

Francesca Puigpelat writes about the right to abortion and its legal recognition

Moral dilemmas or problems?

11 January 2022

We reflect on the differences between moral dilemmas and problems

Curing and caring: a continuum

22 November 2021

Victoria Camps gives an advance extract from the forthcoming monograph, "La atención a las necesidades sanitarias y sociales" (Attending to health needs and social needs).

The Health Care Ethics Committees

12 July 2021

Màrius Morlans explains what is a Health Care Ethics Committee





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Recent posts

Bioethics and Rare diseases

17 July 2024

Reflections on the ethical aspects of rare diseases from different perspectives

Desafíos éticos de la IA en medicina

12 June 2024

David Casacuberta alerta de los retos que plantea la IA en salud pública

Limitations of Euthanasia: Mature Minors and Disability

18 January 2024

Carmen Tomás-Valiente explains the impact of offering aid in dying on these cases

"We wanted to reflect on the importance of argumentation based on scientific evidence"

16 September 2019

Carlos Giménez, winner of "Ethics and Science"

The Health Care Ethics Committees

12 July 2021

Màrius Morlans explains what is a Health Care Ethics Committee