Asset Publisher

Living on the street

13 November 2024

In our blog we explain the situation of homeless people

Curing and caring: a continuum

22 November 2021

Victoria Camps gives an advance extract from the forthcoming monograph, "La atención a las necesidades sanitarias y sociales" (Attending to health needs and social needs).

Attending to social and health needs: working together or working against each other?

19 May 2021

It is time to reconsider an approach based on two separate models

The mystery of the human brain

05 January 2021

We talk with Miquel Àngel Serra about the limits of transhumanism

COVID-19: the role of bioethics

05 May 2020

Summary of key points to come out of the webinar on bioethics and COVID-19

"We can gain some time but we still can't stop degenerative brain diseases"

11 November 2019

Bernabé Robles, Head of the Neurology Service at Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu.

Involving the community to improve care for elderly people

01 July 2019

Loneliness and vulnerability in people at the final stage of their lives: a debate





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Recent posts

Living on the street

13 November 2024

In our blog we explain the situation of homeless people

Curing and caring: a continuum

22 November 2021

Victoria Camps gives an advance extract from the forthcoming monograph, "La atención a las necesidades sanitarias y sociales" (Attending to health needs and social needs).

The mystery of the human brain

05 January 2021

We talk with Miquel Àngel Serra about the limits of transhumanism

COVID-19: the role of bioethics

05 May 2020

Summary of key points to come out of the webinar on bioethics and COVID-19

From death as a taboo to death as a right that deserves respect

08 January 2020

New post on our blog