Asset Publisher

Bioethics and Rare diseases

17 July 2024

Reflections on the ethical aspects of rare diseases from different perspectives

Democracy and care. Formulas to rethink our moral and political position

19 March 2024

Iris Parra reflects on the ethics of care within the framework of the experience of translating Joan Tronto

When it rains, it pours

25 January 2023

Francesca Puigpelat writes about the right to abortion and its legal recognition

"Technology is not neutral, therefore ethical reflection is needed"

14 March 2022

We talk to Miquel Domènech about social robotics

Moral dilemmas or problems?

11 January 2022

We reflect on the differences between moral dilemmas and problems

The Health Care Ethics Committees

12 July 2021

Màrius Morlans explains what is a Health Care Ethics Committee

Attending to social and health needs: working together or working against each other?

19 May 2021

It is time to reconsider an approach based on two separate models

About euthanasia

02 March 2021

Bioethical reflections of Montserrat Busquets on the new euthanasia law

Ethics of information in times of pandemic

25 May 2020

With the contributions of Mònica Terribas, Milagros Pérez-Oliva and Antoni Trilla.

Covid-19: individual freedom versus the common good

14 May 2020

Key points of the webinar. Video and speakers presentations.





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Recent posts

Bioethics and Rare diseases

17 July 2024

Reflections on the ethical aspects of rare diseases from different perspectives

Democracy and care. Formulas to rethink our moral and political position

19 March 2024

Iris Parra reflects on the ethics of care within the framework of the experience of translating Joan Tronto

The Health Care Ethics Committees

12 July 2021

Màrius Morlans explains what is a Health Care Ethics Committee

"Technology is not neutral, therefore ethical reflection is needed"

14 March 2022

We talk to Miquel Domènech about social robotics

When it rains, it pours

25 January 2023

Francesca Puigpelat writes about the right to abortion and its legal recognition