Asset Publisher

Desafíos éticos de la IA en medicina

12 June 2024

David Casacuberta alerta de los retos que plantea la IA en salud pública

"Technology is not neutral, therefore ethical reflection is needed"

14 March 2022

We talk to Miquel Domènech about social robotics

Documentary counter-attack to the new cyber-blackmail

28 April 2021

Patricia Franquesa explores the ransomware attack suffered after the theft of her laptop.

Ethics of Bioinformatics Training Toolkit

07 April 2021

We explain you what this project is about

Chatbots to mourn and end of life

28 January 2021

Belén Jiménez seeks to explore how AI can help to face the prospect of death

Interview with Carme Torras

16 October 2019

"A robot enables carers to devote more of their time to tasks with emotional significance"





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Sexuality and functional diversity

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