Several experts analyze basic ethical principals that arise when faced with preventions programms.
Published in Spanish. English version available soon in pdf format.
Maleficencia en los programas de prevención (Maleficence in prevention programmes)
Summary of the course "The elderly sick patient" delivered on 11 and 12 november, now available on the website.
On 11 and 12 November the Menéndez Pelayo Centre Ernest Lluch International University Consortium in Barcelona, together with the Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation and the Letamendi Forns Foundation, organized the training course "The elderly sick patient: frailty and autonomy".
Article published at La Vanguardia.
The Foundation has placed two videos of the opening day of the 4th cycle of Josep Egozcue lectures on YouTube
11 and 12 November at Centre de Cultura Contemporània in Barcelona. Co organized with CUIMPB
The Foundation and the Consorci Universitari Internacional Menéndez Pelayo-Centre Ernest Lluch de Barcelona (CUIMPB) have renewed their collaboration to organize this training activity. On this occasion, the topic of the course is "The elderly sick patient: frailty and auntonomy". It will take place on 11 and 12 November at the Centre de Cultura Contemporània in Barcelona.
The course will explore the issue of the competency of elderly people, how they are treated, and how we accompany them. The speakers will be James Drane, professor at the Edinboro University of Pennsylvania; Begoña Román, professor of ethics at the University of Barcelona, and Mercè Pérez Salanova, head of the Psychosocial Area and Participation at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
Place: CCCB. Montalegre, 5 08001 Barcelona
15 grants available. Applications to
The Foundation's Jury for the Bioethics Awards & Grants in has recently announced the winners of this Edition.
Prize for Research:
The bioethics award went to Josefina Goberna Tricas, Professor at Escola Universitària d'Infermeria of Universitat de Barcelona for her work: Dones i procreació: ètica de les pràctiques sanitàries i la relació assistencial en embaràs i naixement (Women and procreation: ethics in the medical practice and the healthcare relationship during pregnancy and birth).
Journalism Prize:
The prize for journalistic work on bioethics is awarded to the team behind the current affairs program 30 minuts broadcast by Televisió de Catalunya for the episode titled: Decidir la mort (Decision to die), which was shown on 4th October 2009.
Research Grants were awarded to:
The team led by Joan Canimas of the Campus Arnau d'Escala Foundation for their: Guia orientativa per a guardadors de fet de persones amb malaltia d'Alzheimer als quals es proposa participar en projectes de recerca clínica (Orientation guide for de facto guardians of people with Alzheimer's disease who decide to take part in clinical investigation projects).
The team led by Sara Fidel Kinori of the Psychiatry and Mental Health Research Group at the Vall d'Hebron University Hospital for their Study: Protección de la confidencialidad en las historias clínicas informatizadas: los pacientes en la consulta de Salud Mental hospitalaria (Protecting confidentiality in digitalized clinical records: patients under mental health hospital consultation).
The team led by Montserrat Guillaumet of the Escola Universitària d'Infermeria Sant Pau for their research: L'experiència de ser cuidat en un hospital. Perspectiva des del client immigrat econòmic extracomunitari (The experience of being cared for in hospital from the perspective of the non EC economic immigrant).
The team led by José Luís Villanueva in a multi-center study carried out at five Madrid hospitals for their study: Ventilación mecánica, gastrostomía percutánea y toma de decisiones en pacientes con ELA: encuesta sobre la opinión de los pacientes, familiares y médicos (Mechanical ventilation, percutaneous gastrostomy and decision making in patients with ALS: an opinion survey among patients, their relatives and doctors).
"The Three Ages of Medicine and and the Doctor-Patient Relationship". October, 19th and 20th at Barcelona.
"The Three Ages of Medicine and and the Doctor-Patient Relationship". October, 19th and 20th at Barcelona.
This year's Egozcue Lecture Cycle will enjoy the presence of Mark Siegler as guest speaker. He is professor of Medicine and director of the Maclean Center for Clinical Medical Ethics at the University of Chicago. Dr. Siegler is the author of various books and articles on bioethics, and is co-author of Clinical Ethics: A Practical Approach to Ethical Decisions in Clinical Medicine. This book has been published in Spanish, by Ariel with sponsorship from the Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation.
Thursday, October 19 at 7pm
Lecture: "The Three Ages of Medicine and the Doctor-Patient Relationship (with reference to Professor Pedro Lain-Entralgo)" followed by the Foundation's annual grants and awards ceremony.
Wednesday, October 20 at 10am
Lecture: "Past and Future Contributions of Clinical Ethics to Patient Care" with a discussion about shared decision making.
Institut d'Educació Contínua
Balmes, 132-134, Barcelona
Registration free of charge. To register for this event, enter the calendar and go to 19th October.
Rafael Bengoa, Regional Health Minister of the Basque Country, and Ellen Nolte, Director of Rand Europe, presented some strategies to deal with the treatment of chronic diseases.
They both spoke at the conference sponsored by the Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation as part of the Global Health Leadership Forum, a specialist health-care management seminar organised by the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics, the Economy and Health Research Centre (CRES) and the University of Berkeley.
By signing up to the RSS feed on the Foundation's website, you can receive the latest news on its publications and activities, automatically and immediately.
Coorganized with Universidad Internacional Menéndez y Pelayo from Barcelona " Centre Ernest Lluch on 11 and 12 November.
The Foundation and the Consorci Universitari Internacional Menéndez Pelayo-Centre Ernest Lluch de Barcelona (CUIMPB) have renewed their collaboration to organize this training activity. On this occasion, the topic of the course is "The elderly patient". It will take place on 11 and 12 November at the Centre de Cultura Contemporània in Barcelona, under the direction of Marc Antoni Broggi, president of the Bioethics Committee of Catalonia and member of the board of trustees of the Foundation.
The course will explore the issue of the competency of elderly people, how they are treated, and how we accompany them. The speakers will be James Drane, professor at the Edinboro University of Pennsylvania; Begoña Román, professor of ethics at the University of Barcelona, and Mercè Pérez Salanova, head of the Psychosocial Area and Participation at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
Place: CCCB. Montalegre, 5 08001 Barcelona
15 grants available. Applications to
for the lecture at the Global Health Leadership Forum sponsored by the Foundation. Speakers will be Ellen Nolte and Rafael Bengoa. July 22, 2pm.
"Individual healthy behaviour and healthy life styles. Advances in prevention and Chronic Care Management"
Joint Session: Dr Ellen Nolte, Director Health and Healthcare
RAND Europe and Rafael Bengoa, Consejero de Sanidad y Consumo del
País Vasco (Councillor for Health and Consumerism, Basque
Autonomous Government)
Free registration on web's calendar (click on July 22)
July 22, 2 - 4:30 pm.
Place: Universitat Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona. c/Ramon Trias Fargas, 25-27.Barcelona
Please remember that the closing date for the submission of entries for this year's awards and grants in bioethics is May 31st.
Prize for Research
Research grants
Journalism prize
The Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation organized a discussion day attended by professionals from the worlds of journalism and communication.
The Foundation workshop "Maleficence in prevention programmes" was attended by forty public health professionals from institutions and public bodies across Spain
The Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation yesterday organized a workshop in "Maleficence in prevention programmes," attended by forty public health professionals from institutions and public bodies across Spain.
As Mateu Huguet, director of the Institute for Health Studies of the Government of Catalonia, explained, "the ethical aspect of public health is still relatively neglected, and that is why courses such as this are so innovative." Huguet went on to say that he was keen to collaborate with the Foundation in organizing annual activities to address these issues.
The workshop was designed to address ethical aspects of secondary breast cancer prevention programmes which use biannual breast scans to screen populations of apparently health women aged between 50 and 74. Although this initiative has reduced mortality in the target population, many individuals receive no direct benefit and some of them suffer adverse effects. These programmes and the information provided to those taking part in them were analysed from an ethical perspective.
Foundation collaborates with Bioethics Committee of Catalonia to produce publication
The Foundation has collaborated with the Bioethics Committee of Catalonia to publish the manual Recomendaciones a los profesionales sanitarios para la atención a los enfermos al final de la vida. [Advice to health professionals caring for patients at the end of their lives] The document is designed to help professionals caring for patients who are near the end of their lives, whatever the discipline or specialism.
The handbook has not been designed as a theoretical treatise or a technical protocol, but rather is intended to be a useful document which will help understand the values which should underpin care for those who are dying. The issues it considers include basical clinical decisions, providing assistance in different care settings, and clarifying some of the confusions regarding ethical and legal issues.
The book has been published in Spanish and Catalan, and can be downloaded in PDF format.
Publications request:
Comitè de Bioètica de Catalunya