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blog Histories bioètica

-Bioethics stories Our collaborators tell us how they came into bioethics +Read More Back Blog ...

blog conferencies egozcue 2024 bioetica malalties minoritaries

-Bioethics and Rare diseases Reflections on the ethical aspects of rare diseases from different perspectives +Read...

blog sespas desafiaments ètics IA en medicina

-Desafíos éticos de la IA en medicina David Casacuberta alerta de los retos que plantea la IA en salud pública ...

Blog Iris parra democracia i cura

-Democracy and care. Formulas to rethink our moral and political position Iris Parra reflects on the ethics of care...

Blog eutanasia discapacitat menors

-Limitations of Euthanasia: Mature Minors and Disability Carmen Tomás-Valiente explains the impact of offering aid in...

"We wanted to reflect on the importance of argumentation based on scientific evidence"

-"We wanted to reflect on the importance of argumentation based on scientific evidence" Carlos Giménez, winner of...

Milagros Bioetica Comunicacio Blog

-Bioètica i comunicació Milagros Pérez Oliva analitza el paper de l’ètica en els mitjans de comunicació +Read More ...

Els Comitès d’Ètica Assistencial

-The Health Care Ethics Committees Màrius Morlans explains what is a Health Care Ethics Committee +Read More ...

educacio bioetica blog

-La educación y la bioética Jaume Funes reflexiona sobre cómo acercar la ética en el aula, más allá del currículo ...

Seven bioethical books for the holidays

-Seven bioethical books for the holidays We suggest seven relevant titles in the field of bioethics to read during...

Seminari eutanasia blog

-Euthanasia: ethical, legal and administrative challenges under the LORE Euthanasia experts discuss the new law’s...

Documents bioetica blog

-Documentos clave para el desarrollo de la bioética Presentamos algunos de los principales documentos que han jugado...

Curing and caring: a continuum

-Curing and caring: a continuum Victoria Camps gives an advance extract from the forthcoming monograph, "La atención...

Euthanasia Law

-One year of the Euthanasia Law Núria Terribas takes stock of the first year of application of the Euthanasia Law ...

Bioethics Social Robotics Interview

-"Technology is not neutral, therefore ethical reflection is needed" We talk to Miquel Domènech about social robotics...

Tuskegee Research Ethics

-50 years on, the Tuskegee Case Why are so important ethics on human research? +Read More Back Blog ...

abortion francesca puigpelat

-When it rains, it pours Francesca Puigpelat writes about the right to abortion and its legal recognition +Read...

Racisme medicina colonial blog

-Racism, colonial medicine and global health Rosauro Varo makes a preview of his lecture +Read More Back ...

Blog Oriol Farrés

-Between technophilia and technophobia The philosopher Oriol Farrés explores a different way of thinking about...

New High School curriculum

-The new high school curriculum, an opportunity for bioethics? Carlos Giménez explains the opportunities offered by...





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