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The mystery of the human brain

05 January 2021

We talk with Miquel Àngel Serra about the limits of transhumanism

Public health and pandemic

20 November 2020

Àngel Puyol advances the topics that we will discuss in the next webinars

Back to school and COVID19

14 September 2020

Ferran Ruiz: "Covid19 opens a wide space for reflection on ethical issues to schools"

'With the right resources and mechanisms, new waves can be controlled'

01 September 2020

Oriol Yuguero, Emergency Care doctor at Hospital Arnau de Vilanova, tells us about her experience of dealing with the resurgence of COVID19 cases this summer.

The Patient Revolution

23 July 2020

Víctor Montori: "We must start a peaceful revolution. Patients need to become aware that caring for people is at the heart of clinical activity"

Three books to read this summer

13 July 2020

We recommend you three of our monographs for these holidays

Sexuality and functional diversity

08 June 2020

Soledad Arnau's experience. An excerpt from the monograph "Sexuality and functional diversity", to be published shortly.

Ethics of information in times of pandemic

25 May 2020

With the contributions of Mònica Terribas, Milagros Pérez-Oliva and Antoni Trilla.

Covid-19: individual freedom versus the common good

14 May 2020

Key points of the webinar. Video and speakers presentations.





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