Asset Publisher

COVID-19: the role of bioethics

05 May 2020

Summary of key points to come out of the webinar on bioethics and COVID-19

Research and Covid-19

22 April 2020

The Foundation has decided to promote specific research into Covid-19

Caring: the most important thing of all

01 April 2020

Montserrat Busquets reflects on the ethical value of care as the principal task of the health services.

Reconciliation after medical errors

10 March 2020

Mediation as a tool to help victims

Electronics and ASD

25 February 2020

"Being able to convey that the educational project can help other people, gives it value and promotes greater involvement"

Is it really better not to visit the doctor?

10 February 2020

Andreu Segura talks about iatrogenesis

Horizons Project: The Labyrinth of Asterion

22 January 2020

Júlia Martín explains the project awarded with a research grant in bioethics

Supporting the sexuality of adults with disabilities or functional diversity

19 December 2019

Some adults with disabilities or functional diversity have sexual needs that can only be satisfied with the help of specialist services

The era of the posthumans?

09 December 2019

Salvador Macip writes about how genetics will change our species.





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