Research grants


null Impacto de la pandemia COVID19 en el sistema emocional, la salud y la calidad de vida de las personas usuarias de las residencias para personas con discapacidad intelectual, sus familias y as personas cuidadoras de estos centros [Impact of the COVID19 pandemic on the emotional system, health and quality of life of service users of residences for people with mental disability, their families and...
Team led by Montserrat Puig, University of Barcelona

This project investigates the impact of the pandemic on the emotional system, health and quality of life of people with mental disability (multiple disability) who use residences in Catalonia, and of workers and relatives. The objective is to describe to the public authorities and the key decision-makers that occurred in residences from the start of the pandemic until completion of the vaccination programme (March 2021) and its consequences, to reflect on the most appropriate care model for these situations.


Research team formed by: Montserrat Puig, Antonio Rafael Moreno, Gemma Pérez, Montserrat Roca, Maria Teresa Lluch, Teresa Nicloás, Miguel Angel Hidalgo, Juan Francisco Roldán, Marta Prats, Zaida Palmira Agüera, Mª Aurelia Sanchez, Mª Carmen Moreno and Xavier Domènech




