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Ética clínica

The Foundation and editorial Ariel have made this practical manual designed to confront ethical problems which arise in clinical practice more readily accessible to the Spanish speaking public.

Ética Clínica: aproximación práctica a la toma de decisiones éticas en la medicina clínica. (Clinical Ethics: a practical approximation to ethical decisión making in clinical medicine) Barcelona: Ed. Ariel; Fundació Víctor Grífols i Lucas, 2005. 351 p.ISBN: 84-344-3719-5. 20,00€.

With the translation of Clinical Ethics, the Foundation and editorial Ariel have made this practical manual designed to confront ethical problems which arise in clinical practice more readily accessible to the Spanish speaking public. Clinical Ethics offers the method of the four parameters, some illustrated examples of clinical cases, the most widely accepted opinions on the most polemic questions of our time, reflections of an ethical nature and practical coverage of legal aspects. In short, a modern guide to ethics in medical assistance. 

Available at bookshops and usual points of sale. 

Ética en enfermería (Nursing Ethics)

The book offers an in-depth exploration of nursing ethics content from the western philosophical tradition and some of the methods used in teaching this content.

Davis, A.J.; Tschudin, V.; de Raeve, L.; Ética en enfermería. Conceptos fundamentals de su enseñanza. Madrid: Ed. Triacastela; Fundació Víctor Grífols i Lucas, 2009. 396 p. ISBN: 978-84-95840-40-0.

Edited by Anne Davis, Verena Tschudin and Louis de Raeve, the book also includes the collaboration of several nursing experts.

It addresses cross-cultural issues in using specific ethics content. It also reveals the poverty of the present dualism model in nursing ethics and replace this with a more complex and more useful model that invites debate. Its scope is both wide and deep but that is needed to enrich the basis for teaching nursing ethics.

Available at bookshops and usual points of sale. 



Recomendaciones a los profesionales sanitarios para la atención al final de la vida (Advice to health professionals caring for patients at the end of their lives)

Foundation collaborates with Bioethics Committee of Catalonia to produce publication  

The Foundation has collaborated with the Bioethics Committee of Catalonia to publish the manual Recomendaciones a los profesionales sanitarios para la atención a los enfermos al final de la vida. [Advice to health professionals caring for patients at the end of their lives] The document is designed to help professionals caring for patients who are near the end of their lives, whatever the discipline or specialism.

The handbook has not been designed as a theoretical treatise or a technical protocol, but rather is intended to be a useful document which will help understand the values which should underpin care for those who are dying. The issues it considers include basical clinical decisions, providing assistance in different care settings, and clarifying some of the confusions regarding ethical and legal issues. The book has been published in Spanish and Catalan, and can be downloaded in PDF format.

Confesiones de un médico

The Spanish version of 'Confessions of a Medicine Man: An Essay in Popular Philosophy'

Tauber, A; Confesiones de un médico. Un ensayo filosófico. Madrid: Triacastela; Fundació Víctor Grífols i Lucas, 2011. ISBN: 978-8495840-60-8

Triacastela, with sponsorship from the Foundation, has published the Spanish version of Confessions of a Medicine Man: An Essay in Popular Philosophy.  In his book, Alfred Tauber offers a personal introduction to the history of bioethics, to the evolution of the healthcare system in the United States and to the main 20th century philosophical schools of thought through illustrative autobiographical episodes in the life of a doctor.

Alfred Tauber is one of the main medical humanities authors in the United States.  He is Professor of Medicine and Professor of Philosophy at Boston University and for many years he was director of the Boston University Center for Philosophy and History of Science.  His book Confessions of a Medicine Man won the prize for the best academic book awarded by the American Libraries Magazine and also the American Medical Writers Association first prize.

Available in bookshops and other customary points of sale.

Luces y sombras en la investigación clínica

Lead by Rafael Dal-Ré, Xavier Carné and Diego Gracia, with collaborations from more than 40 authors

Dal-Re, R; Carné, X; Gracia, D; Lights and shadows in clinical research. Madrid: Triacastela; Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation, 2013 ISBN: 978-84-95840-83-7
The foundation has sponsored the publishing of this book that explores the positive and negative aspects of clinical research. Ranging from personal reflections made from the perspective of the patient, the investigator or the ethics committee, to innovative approaches to issues such as clinical trial design, how to reduce the complexity and how to analyze the benefit-risk balance of medicines.



Indice autores
Victoria Camps
Rafael Dal-Ré, Xavier Carné y Diego Gracia
Capítulo 1: La integridad científica como fundamento esencial de la investigación clínica
Santiago Lamas, Carmen Ayuso
Capítulo 2: Práctica clínica e investigación clínica
Diego Gracia
Capítulo 3: Investigación clínica: cómo hemos llegado hasta aquí
Rafael Dal-Ré, Xavier Carné, Diego Gracia
Capítulo 4: Los protagonistas del ensayo clínico

Pilar Hereu, Josep Mª Arnau
Capítulo 6: ¿Es necesario que los ensayos clínicos sean tan complejos?
Gonzalo Calvo Rojas, Mohammed Ezzeldin Sharaf, Joaquín S. Peñataro
Capítulo 7: Cuestiones éticas y reguladoras de la finalziación prematura de los ensayos clínicos
Emilio Vargas Castrillón, Ana Isabel Terleira Fernández, Antonio Gómez Outes
Capítulo 8: Aspectos metodológicos y éticos de los ensayos clínicos en conglomerados
Esther Prieto Martín de los Santos, Antonio Portolés Pérez
Capítulo 9: Nuevos diseños en investigación clínica
Caridad Pontes, José Ríos, Ferran Torres
Capítulo 10: Cómo manejar los hallazgos inesperados en investigación genética
Carmen Ayuso, José Mª Millán, Rafael Dal-Ré
Capítulo 11: La farmacogenética desde una perspectiva crítica
Teresa Cabaleiro, Dolores Ochoa, Francisco Abad Santos
Capítulo 12: Los resultados comunicados por los pacientes en los ensayos clínicos
Michael Herdman, Núria Fernández
Capítulo 13: Evaluación de la relación beneficio-riesgo de los medicamentos: evidencia, cuantificación e incertidumbre
Andrew Maguire, Francisco J. de Abajo
Capítulo 14: Investigación comparativa de la efectividad
Antonio J. Carcas Sansuán
Capítulo 15: Iniciativa europea para la realización de ensayos clínicos académicos
Nuria Sanz, Jacques Demotes, Christine Kubiak
Capítulo 16: El papel de los biobancos en la investigación clínica
Sandra Zazo, Federico Rojo
Capítulo 17: El futuro de los ensayos clínicos con medicamentos
César Hernández García, Mariantonia Serrano Castro, Luis Arturo Pérez Bravo
Capítulo 18: La investigación clínica en países de renta baja
Xavier Carné, Esperança Sevene, Clara Menéndez
Capítulo 19: Proceso de revisión por expertos
Francesc Cardellach, Josep M. Ribera, Marta Pulido
Capítulo 20: La comunicación de los resultados: cuando la integridad se rompe

Rafael Dal-Ré
Capítulo 22: Los conflictos de intereses en el desarrollo de las guías de práctica clínica
Rafael Dal-Ré

Participación de los niños y jóvenes en la investigación clínica: cómo hacerlo correctamente

Publication aimed at parents, children and adolescents.

Document only available in Spanish.

Publication aimed at parents, children and adolescents which summarises the main recommendations from the Nuffield Council on Bioethics regarding clinical research with children. The Spanish edition of this document is sponsored by Fundació Víctor Grífols i Lucas.
How can research studies on children be conducted in an ethically acceptable manner?  Which role should children, young people and parents play in order to influence the way these studies are conducted? The Nuffield Council on Bioethics has examined these issues with a working group comprised of experts, and backed up by parents and young people. The results are outlined in the following report: Children and Clinical Research. This document, aimed at patients and their relatives, summarises the main conclusions.
Document only available in Spanish.

Los niños y la investigación clínica: aspectos éticos

Conclusions and summary of the report entitled Children and Clinical Research. Only available in Spanish.

Conclusions and summary of the report entitled Children and Clinical Research, conducted by the Nuffield Council on Bioethics. Fundació Víctor Grífols i Lucas has sponsored the Spanish edition of this document.
Clinical research with children poses a great deal of ethical questions. The Nuffield Council on Bioethics has published a report entitled Children and Clinical Research, which analyses how clinical trials can be performed on children in an ethically acceptable manner. It addresses issues such as the role of the different parties involved, child protection and involvement and the constraints posed by these kinds of studies. 
Document only available in Spanish.

Nuevas políticas del cuidar (New policies of care)

Marian Barnes reflects on care, a universal human experience where the need for alliances is paramount.

Marian Barnes, sociologist and social policy expert, approaches the ethics of care from a perspective that transcends illness and economic hegemony. This publication includes two lectures give at the seminar on Ethics and the values of care, organized by the Official College of Nurses of Barcelona, in partnership with the Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation. 

Tecnologías y nuevas relaciones en el cuidado (Technologies and new care relationships)

Ingunn Moser reflects on the impact of technologies on care relationships.

In this publication, the sociologist Ingunn Moser develops an evaluation and decision-making framework for the implementation of technology designed to improve well-being. The publication also includes contributions from professionals drawn from a range of disciplines who have been involved in major initiatives in this field. This book offers the conclusions of the third edition of the Seminar on Ethics and the Values of Care, organized by the Official College of Nurses of Barcelona, in partnership with the Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation.


To request a copy, please contact Anna Almirall

Ética del cuidado. Innovación inclusiva y calidad asistencial (The ethics of care. Inclusive innovation and care quality)

Helen Kohlen considers the ethics of care from a perspective that incorporates care quality and the well-being of those who receive care in our health and social institutions.

In this publication, Kohlen, who holds the Chair of Ethics and Politics of Nursing Care at Vallendar University of Philosophy and Theology in Germany, argues for incorporating the ethics of care in bioethics committees and moving towards a model of democratic care. The publication also includes draws on the experiences of health professionals who apply the ethics of care in their clinical, teaching, research and management projects.


This book presents the findings of the fourth edition of the Seminar on Ethics and the Values of Care, organized by the Official College of Nurses of Barcelona, in partnership with the Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation.

Toolkit para formación en ética de la bioinformática (Ethics of Bioinformatics Training Toolkit

This publication is designed to support reflection on ethical issues in training for bioinformatics professionals.

It was produced by the Víctor Grífols Foundation UVIC-UCC Chair of Bioethics and Bioinformatics Barcelona (BIB) under the direction of David Casacuberta, lecturer and researcher at UAB.


This publication offers a set of tools designed to facilitate the task of planning an introductory course on bioethics for bioinformatics professionals. Although this kind of training is very important, it receives scant attention in curriculums. The book covers the main ethical theories and identifies the principal ethical problems faced in bioinformatics, before presenting tools and case studies for use in the classroom.

Pedagogía de la bioética (Teaching bioethics)

The thoughts of a range of authors on how to address the challenges of education in bioethics.

The 1st International Congress of Bioethics, held in Vic on 24 and 25 January 2019, focused on analyzing and improving the teaching of bioethics, with the aim of transcending the academic and clinical settings to reach the general public.


This book presents the proceedings of the conference and gives voice to personal experiences which often struggle to find a space to be heard. It addresses the topic of the teaching and learning of bioethics, identifies the challenges we face, considers how the subject is approached in professional training, and describes a range of experiences in international settings.


On sale here

Desenvolupament d'aplicacions mòbils en l'àmbit de la salut i de l'atenció a la persona (Guide for creating mobile apps in health)

Guide with technical, ethical and functional recommendations for the creation of mobile applications.

Fundación Tic Salut Social, a body of the Department of Health of the Government of Catalonia, has published a guide to creating mobile apps, following basic principles of ethics, security, accessibility, user-friendliness, interoperability and reliability.


The Grífols Foundation Chair of Bioethics contributed to the guide, in partnership with other universities, and technology, health and social institutions. The document is a compendium of recommendations designed to support the creation of effective, user-friendly, safe applications that guarantee the rights and freedoms of users.


It encompasses both the technical and the ethnical and functional aspects that any mobile application must incorporate in the initial phases of the development Project.


Published in Catalan.

Committed to care and the ethics of care. Development of Theory and Practice

This monograph offers information on how to apply the ethics of care in different settings in the social services and healthcare sectors, which can help contribute to the well-being and quality of life for people. These considerations are the result of the seminar on the Ethics of Care organized by Colectivo Minerva and Fundación Víctor Grífols i Lucas.


It includes a notable contribution from Marian Barnes, who offers an enriching reflection on the importance of the ethics of care in the fight for social justice. She analyzes the implications of this perspective in the definition of healthcare policies and strategies, arguing how the ethics of care can help professionals better define their roles, thereby contributing to a wider goal of social justice.


The volume also includes contributions from Victoria Camps, Carme Casas, Víctor Montori and Pilar Delgado, who offer us their vision from the point of view of various professions.

Care and Ethics of Care. Needs and evidence for further research and advancement

This book centres its analysis and discussion on the need for evidence-based information in relation to care, a notion requiring greater development and improved research across its many facets.


The authors of this text elucidate a path for reshaping knowledge, using evidence-based information from a diverse range of stakeholders from the fields of caregiving, teaching, and care needs management.


This book also invokes an ethics of care perspective, which favours new ways of defining outcome criteria in health care and the creation of flexible and dynamic standards and/or action protocols within collaborative work frameworks.


Authors include Marian Barnes, Ceri Davies, and M. Ángeles Duran. This publication is the result of the seminar on the Ethics of Care organized by Minerva Collective and Fundación Víctor Grífols i Lucas.

Horizontes de la bioética

(English version will be available soon)


Una publicación resultada del II Congreso Internacional de Bioética celebrado en la Universitat de Vic el 17 y 18 de noviembre de 2022, que ha sido coordinada por Núria Terribas i Ester Busquets y publicada por Herder bajo el título "Horizontes de la bioética". En el contexto actual dominado por el desarrollo científico y tecnológico, la bioética se presenta como una disciplina indispensable para orientarnos hacia un futuro donde convivan ciencias y humanidades.


Este libro recoge las contribuciones de los ponentes del congreso, que reflexionan sobre el impacto de las biotecnologías, los retos en la pedagogía de la bioética, las éticas aplicadas a la situación de la pandemia y el tabú ante la muerte en casos como el transhumanismo y la eutanasia.


El objetivo de los autores es promover el pensamiento crítico, a través de un recurso esencial para académicos, profesionales de la salud, educadores y cualquier persona interesada en comprender y abordar las complejas cuestiones bioéticas que definen nuestro tiempo.


Lo podéis comprar aquí


Sugerencias para afrontar epidemias y pandemias (Approaches to managing epidemic and pandemic scenarios)


Drawing from the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic and in view of the responses of the healthcare and political sectors, this book explores the need for a thoughtful and honest reflection on these events. Its author, Andreu Segura, advocates for more mindful and transparent strategies to prevent and manage future epidemic situations, avoiding the missteps and inefficiencies encountered during this crisis. 
As a public health professional, Andreu Segura shares his insights into pandemics throughout history, along with key lessons we should draw from our recent experience. By depicting a reality that may repeat itself, the author urges us to recognise our vulnerabilities in this regard and to take steps to address any shortcomings in our response to such crises.

Published online. Printed edition not available.

Ethical questions

01. What should we do with persistent sexual offenders?

The Victor Grifols i Lucas Foundation offers the discourses from the workshop "What should we do with persistent sexual offenders?" This debate workshop formed part of the "Ethical Questions" series and was attended by the following participants: Enrique Echeburúa, Professor of Clinical Psychology at the Universidad del País Vasco; Mercedes García Arán, Professor of Law at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; José María Mena Former Director of Public Prosecutions of the Catalonian High Court of Justice; Joan Carles Navarro, Director of Can Brians penitentiary and Santiago Redondo Illescas, full time Professor of Psychology and Criminology from the Psychology Faculty of the Universitat de Barcelona.

02. Sexuality and the emotions. Can they be taught?

This publication is the result of dialogue between a group of education experts with an interest in sex education. It is designed to offer a set of ideas, opinions and considerations on this subject to those responsible for educating children and adolescents (parents, teachers, sociologists, etc.).

03. Surrogate pregnancy: an analysis of the current situation

Most coutries prohibit surrogate pregnancy also know as surrogate motherhood or "Mathers for hire". Due to this legislation many people travel to other countries where local legislation allows them to do this.  Philosophers, doctors, lawyers and psycologists give their explanations on the current situation surrounding this assited reproduction technique.



