Research grants


null Gametos artificiales o cómo nos reproduciremos mañana: Un marco normativo para determinar la moralidad [Artificial gametes or how we will reproduce tomorrow: a regulatory framework to determine morality]
Adrián Villalba and Miguel Moreno of the University of Granada

New discoveries in the field of genetic engineering have obtained germ cells (artificial gametes) from human stem cells, which are undifferentiated. Artificial gametes offer a wide range of therapeutic possibilities, from infertility treatments to reproductive options for same-sex couples, people in the post-reproductive stage of life, or for single people wishing to have children.


This research project proposes a regulatory bioethical framework based on the principle of autonomy. The goal is to help determine acceptable or unacceptable situations in the field of assisted reproduction. The project also seeks to offer tools to evaluate regulatory compliance of practices involving the use of artificial germ cells and future assisted reproduction technology.






