The jury of the Bioethics Prizes and Grants has announced the winners of this year's awards
Mª del Carmen Gete-Alonso y Calera and Judith Solé Resina, of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, for: "Las nuevas maternidades y paternidades, las ‘nuevas formas' de tener hijos y sus implicaciones éticas." ["New maternities and paternities: the ‘new ways' of having children and their ethical implications."]
Jordi Mundó Blanch of the University of Barcelona for "Pacientes agentes. Repensar la autonomía del paciente desde una perspectiva fiduciaria." ["Agent patients. Rethinking patient autonomy from a fiduciary perspective."]
Alberto Sandiumenge Camps of Vall d'Hebron University Hospital for: "Evaluación de la influencia de la implementación de programas de donación en asistolia controlada en los cuidados a final de la vida." ["Evaluating the influence of the implementation of donation programmes in controlled asystole in end of life care."]
César Palacios González of Oxford University for: "La Ética de las Técnicas de Remplazo Mitocondrial para Tratar la Infertilidad." ["The Ethics of Mitochondrial Replacement Techniques to Treat Infertility."]
To the team led by Maria F. Jiménez Herrera of Rovira i Virgili University for "Sensibilidad moral de estudiantes de enfermería de grado y posgrado; Traducción, validación y adaptación al castellano del ‘Moral Sensitivity Questionnaire de Lützen et al.' y validación del ‘Sensibilidad Moral en los Cuidados Enfermeros' de Campillo." ["Moral sensibility of undergraduate and postgraduate nursing students: Translation, validation and adaptation into Spanish of Lützen et al.'s ‘Moral Sensibility Questionnaire' and validation of ‘Moral Sensibility in Nursing Care' by Campillo."]
To the team led by Gonzalo Díaz Cobacho and Alberto Molina Pérez of the University of Granada for "Pluralismo y muerte: Desafíos éticos y actitudes de los profesionales en relación a la diversidad de criterios en la determinación de la muerte." ["Pluralism and death: ethical challenges and attitudes of professionals with respect to the diversity of criteria when determining death."]
Senior high school prizes:
First prize to "Medicina digna, muerte digna" ["Dignified Medicine, Dignified Death"] by Anna Carbó Bel, Instituto Dertosa, Tortosa.
Second prize to "El legado del Dr. Víctor Frankenstein" ["The legacy of Dr. Víctor Frankenstein"] by Diana Gallardo Pérez and Mar Trinidad Fernández of Instituto Salvador Espriu, Barcelona.
Third prize to "El maltrato animal" ["Mistreatment of animals"] by Paula Cama i Pou of Instituto de Celrà.
Audiovisual prize:
Documentary short, "Bailar la locura" ["Dancing madness"] by Marta Espar.
There were a total of 43 applications for grants, 12 high school prizes, and 116 audiovisual projects. The Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation would like to thank all applications for their support, and looks forward to working with them in the future.
The awards will be presented on 21 October, at 19:00 at Casa de la Convalescència (Barcelona).